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I wake up to long fingers playing with strands of my platinum hair. With my eyes being half closed, I look outside of the window to see that the sun is still up. I let out a small yawn before I look up to come face to face with my best friend.
Good morning. I hear his voice in my head as he gives me a small rare smile.
"Morning" I reply with a smile of my own.
"Have you been up for long? And when did you get back last night? I did not hear you." I babble. I Pull myself away from Clay and sit up so I can stretch.
I woke up about an hour ago, but you looked so comfortable I did not want to wake you. Thus, I have been thinking about the alphas that arrive today. He ignores my second question.
"Why do you bother thinking about it? I mean the way I see it, the only thing you gain from doing that is a massive headache; the whole situation is messed up." I walk into Clay's walk-in closet and search through the clothes I have in here in case of emergencies.
"Which reminds me, how did the meeting go last night?" I ask once I have picked out an outfit for the day. I place the clothes on the couch by the window and turn my attention back on Clay as I wait for an answer.
Shadow, I need you to give me your word that you will act as if you do not know what I am about to tell you, or else you would be getting us both killed. What I am about to tell you is top secret, the alpha does not want it getting out.
I contemplate throwing a joke at his words, but something in the way that he is looking at me tells me that I have to be serious about this.
"I promise. Clay what is going on? You are scaring me." I truthfully speak out my thoughts.
There is a reason why the Alpha, Beta and Gamma are all freaking out, and there is a deeper reason as to why the alphas are calling a meeting than the fact that the Amazonians are missing.
"Are you waiting for a drum roll? Tell me what it is, you are both scaring and exciting me." I snap at him as I sit down on the couch's arm.
They already have a guess about who is behind the murders, and if I am being honest, their theory is almost too perfect that I believe it is actually true.
"But they have to actually meet for them to have a suspect, right? They cannot just assume that a specific person did it!"
They are considering past murders. Clay looks at me as if I am supposed to know or understand what he is talking about. I, however, am very confused.
"What do you mean?" I ask as I try to look at things from the alphas' perspective.
Does the name Alexander Cresswell ring a bell? My best friend moves back until his back hits the bed head, and leans on it as he crosses his legs.
"Yeah, if I remember correctly, he is the alpha of the Open Wound pack."
Yes he is, and according to the alpha, it is believed that he is the one targeting werewolves of high ranks.
"But why would they make such assumptions?" My shoulders drop as I try to process all this new information.
The alpha showed me photos of the people that were killed during the last couple of weeks, and while the method is not similar, they are equally as cruel and barbaric. Alpha Alexander Cresswell is the only werewolf alive who is known to be capable of such brutality.
Alexander Cresswell is the most popular alpha in our time. That, however, does not mean that his reputation is honorable or that he is loved. I have witnessed more than one mother scare their children into behaving by using his name. I do not know what actually happened since people tend to add their own flavor to the story each time they tell it.
According to what Clay told me at the time, a few years back, Alexander Cresswell savagely murdered six male wolves by driving silver nails into their bodies. It is said that he watched them as they painfully bled out and died slowly. The trail that the Amazonians had for him was the fastest in history considering that he did not deny any of the charges against him. His name, however, has not been mentioned ever since.
"If they already have a suspect, then what is the point of the meeting they are holding in our territory?" God, I feel like I was back in school trying to understand a complicated math problem.
They have to decide what to do to stop the killings.
"But that is not their job; the Amazonians exist for a reason!" I am starting to get angry, no one –even a cold hearted killer like Cresswell- deserves to be put at the mercy of the alphas.
I know that Shadow, but people are dying and something must be done.
I take a few seconds to take deep breaths and calm my nerves. As much as I hate to admit it, Clay is right. The alphas may be arrogant and anti-feminist but they care about their people, some alphas put their packs before their own lives.
We have to leave, Alpha Grayson of the Full Moon pack and Alpha Charlie of the Vanished Moon pack are here. Also, the beta has been mind linking me, and he requests that you go home. Apparently, your mother has been worried sick about you since you did not go home last night.

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