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Ever since I arrived at the Open wound pack, neither Lorenza nor Brook tried to create a relationship with me. I cannot say that I mind or care about that because I have never had any girl friends; for some reason I always find males better suited to be friends. After all, they do not demand to know about every single aspect of their friends' life. Females on the other hand, expect their friends to have no secrets; and if secrets are kept then they would get upset, and they tend to try and control their friends' lives and actions. Perhaps I am wrong, but that is how I analyzed the female friendships back in the Red Eclipse pack.
I find it easier to communicate with males; they are outgoing, they do not get jealous or possessive of their friends, and they connect friendship with understanding.
The first time Lorenza tried to actually get closer to me was right before the ceremony. She wanted to do my hair and makeup, but I declined. Suffix to say, she took it personally. She tried to impose herself on me, but I have always been picky when it comes to the people I get close to. Despite her clingy tendencies, I know she is not a bad person. However, unlike Alec, Josh, and Chance I do not know her well. Thus, I do not trust her. Ever since I basically rejected her friendship, she has been given me death glares.
As for Brook, I did not have any real chance to get to know her. Thus, I cannot say anything about her or her personality. According to Joshua, her communication with the rest of the pack is limited because she is dedicated to her dream job. Apparently, she is the medical examiner's assistant.
I sit in the kitchen as I watch Lorenza give her mate one of her infamous death glares; they must have had a fight about a female Chance said 'good morning' to.
I have to say, I do not like the angry bird one bit. Accalia mutters with distaste.
Accalia, I am not in the mood to talk about my dislike about anyone. I lean my head on the kitchen's table. I place my hands on my head as I try to shut out every noise around me.
Ever since Alec marked me a few days ago, I have been a little weak. I know it is normal as my body is still adjusting to the mark of an alpha. However, it is quite frustrating to have lazy muscles.
I huff as I fail to ignore Lorenza's growls and the sound of the eggs that Chance cooks. I contemplate leaving the kitchen and leave the mate couple to their dramas. Sadly, my muscles do not agree with me. The thought of getting up and walking makes me feel like I am about to vomit.
When I hear Lorenza growl again, I give up and pull myself away from the table. I watch Chance turn the stove off and place the eggs on a plate where he had already put some toast and sausages on and put the plate in front of Lorenza despite the rude and ungrateful look she gives him.
I roll my eyes at her; she reminds me of the people in the Red Eclipse pack. I force my body to stand up and I slowly walk towards to the door.
"Shadow, wait." Chance's voice forces me to stop right before I leave the room.
"Yes?" I turn around in order to face him.
"Xander mentioned this morning that you are still felling a little stiff. I can help you with that." Chance gives me a smirk. Thus, Lorenza lets out a low growl.
"How exactly are you going to help me?" I give him an amused look just so I can get on his mate's nerves.
"Well, I was planning to go to the training field to train for a couple of hours. I would love to have a partner." He grabs a sausage from Lorenza's plate and eats is in two bites.
"But you said, you were going to go with me to visit my mother." Lorenza pouts as she slams her fist into the plate breaking it and destroying the breakfast her mate made for her.
"Lorenza, what do you want from me? Just an hour ago, you told me you want to go visit your mother on your own. You said and I quote 'I do not want you to come with me when I visit my mother.' So you go and visit your mother and I will go to train." The beta starts to become rather angry with his mate.
"Yes, but that does not mean that..."
"Lorenza, I have more important things to worry about. I do not have time for your senseless mood swings and your needy tendencies." He growls at her before he turns to me.
"I am going to get changed and then we will go. Meet me in the backyard in fifteen minutes." Chance gives his mate a glare as he passes by her and walks out of the kitchen.
I admit, he might have been a little harsh with Lorenza. However, I choose to stay out of it. After all, Chance is using me to make her jealous. I give the female beta one last look before I too leave the kitchen.
Do you think we will ever be like her? Accalia asks with a hint of fear in her tone.
I do not know about you Accalia, but I will never ever become so insecure to the point that I will get jealous from every female Alec talks or even looks at.
I thought you refrain from judging others.
Accalia points out.
I would like to think so. However, for some reason Lorenza reminds me of the Red eclipse pack; her glares, her body language, the way she talks, and how possessive she is of her mate. All these qualities are why I hate the werewolf nation; why I practically fled from our old pack.
And you hate that there is someone here who reminds you of the past while you would rather forget it.
Accalia continues my thought for me.
That is accurate. I growl as I picture my brother's and mother's face. I do not know why I recall their faces, but I do. I close my eyes as I slowly focus on Clay's and Nick's faces.
Shadow, just because the Open pack is different from the Open Wound pack, and just because Alec is so different from Oliver, that does not mean people do not have various personalities. Whenever you go, you will find someone you will not like, someone who might trigger you in some way, even someone who mirrors your worst qualities. The trick is you have to remember who you are and what you stand for; do not allow people like Lorenza affect who you are.
I love you Accalia.
I smile at her wise words.
I will take your advice, but first I want to invoke that she-wolf. I smirk as I focus on what Lorenza might be thinking about Chance training with me rather than the pain that shoots through my body with every step I take.
Of course. Accalia mutters unimpressed by my words.

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