Chapter 10

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Peter was sitting up in his bed with the lamp on. It was 10:00 pm and Walker was still not home. Karen noticed that Peter was still up when she went to go check on him.

"Peter honey, you still awake?" asked Karen.

"Yes mom," said Peter.

Karen walks in and sits on the end of his bed.

"What's the matter honey?" asked Karen.

"I'm worried about dad, I hope he is alright," said Peter.

"I know, I worry about him a lot when they ask him to go," said Karen.

"I hope he is going to be alright," said Peter.

"Me too honey," said Karen.

While on the rez, cops were surrounding Red Blueclouds place, and they could hear her screaming and him yelling. They rushed in, Walker grabbed him from behind and choked hold him to the ground.

"What is wrong with you, hitting your wife!" yelled Walker.

"She's messing around on me man, I didn't mean to hurt her," said Red Bluecloud.

Walker looked over towards her and she was bleeding from her face, she went over and picked up her baby and sat down in the rocking chair. Then they put her and the baby in the ambulance and took her to the hospital.

A police officer came out of the house.

"Its a mess in there, they've been partying all night, when they ran out of beer they started drinking out of hairspray bottles filling them halfway with red bull, rough night," said the police officer.

"That is crazy," said Walker.

"Yes it is, hey I heard you have Peter Wolf, how's he doing? I'm glad you got him away from this place," said the police officer.

"Oh he is doing good, he's loving it at my place, but I know my uncle is going to bring him here, for pow wows, hand drums songs, he's already going to school here," said Walker.

"I mean all that stuff is good, but he does not need to come back here, he is good where he is at," said the police officer.

"Yes, but this is his home, he knows what it's like here, he's seen it when we drive him to school, a lot of drunk Indians on the sidewalks, he knows," said Walker.

"This is true, maybe he'll be the one to try and make it better, once the kids around here see how good he has it, then maybe it will change them and make them want to change their lifestyle because he is the last of his generation of traditional full-bloods," said the police officer.

"True," said Walker.

"Well thank you for coming out, we needed extra help, we'll take him in and let him sit in jail," said the police officer.

"Your welcome, I'm always happy to help you guys, you guys are my friends," said Walker.

"Thank you again, we'll see you later?" asked the police officer.

"Yes, you will," said Walker driving away.

Peter finally fell asleep so Karen turned his lamp off and went downstairs to sit on the couch and wait for Walker to come home. She started reading a book when she saw headlights pull up. She got up and opened the door and it was Walker.

"Oh sweetie I am glad your home and safe," said Karen hugging Walker.

"Yes I'm alright, sweetheart you didn't have to wait up for me," smiled Walker.

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