"I Love Him Though." Chapter 5.

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"C'mon Sarah! You know I have to go to school earlier today, and that YOU have to take me! Get your ass in the car before I drive myself." My Brother yelled as he walked out the door to wait on the steps on our porch.

"Calm down bro, you'll be fine! I just have to get ready for today's second to last rehearsal for my school's play." I said as I put on my last bit of makeup, grabbed my bag, and walked outside to meet up with my brother who was getting annoyed at the fact of how long I took.

We both walked towards the car as I unlocked it and we both got in, buckled our seatbelts, and drove off.

"So when are you ever going to get your braces off Sar? You've had them on for like 50 years now." My brother asked as I pulled into his school's drop off zone.

"I don't know man, I don't know. I'm hoping soon. I mean I am a senior I don't want to have my braces on during senior pictures." I said to myself as I unlocked the door for him to get out.

As I waved bye to him I drove out of the drop off zone and started thinking about Niall.

First of all, I don't even know why the kid liked me. No one ever liked me back besides Lou and Harry, but just as friends...

Did I mature or something? I highly doubt that. Maybe he's just attracted to ugly girls like me. Also, why was Zayn paying more attention to me like he notices me more often. And during photo, was he actually...flirting...with me? No, no. That's impossible. I'm probably just over reacting I mean he can get any girl he wants at this school and so there is no way he will ever love me the way I love him.

I pulled into the parking lot of my school and parked into the nearest parking space right next to my photo class. I hopped out and walked onto the sidewalk heading towards the main entrance of the school to go to Chemistry.

"Hey Sarah! Wait up!" I turned around to see it was Harry running late, as always.

"Harry! We're both going to be late to Chemistry and I can't afford that to happen! Let's hurry up!" I started running as I grabbed his arm as I dragged him along with me until we arrived at the entrance to class.

As we both entered the classroom we were expecting to have everyone stare at us in dissapointment considering the fact that Harry and I are always late, but instead they seemed to be interested in something else. Harry and I stepped closer to the crowd of kids to see what everyone was so excited about. As we headed towards the back of the classroom I saw two kids having a sing-off. A sing-off... In chemistry? I pushed my way through the crowd to see who the two people were to see to my surprise it was Niall and Louis singing at the top of their lungs to "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay.

Wow. I couldn't even believe how well the both of them were. And Louis, I've known him for most of my life and I didn't even realize he could sing?! Harry I knew, but Louis sounded so angelic. Niall looked at me and winked and went back to singing. I smiled to myself as Harry noticed something between me and Niall was going on.

"Hey! I know that look, and don't lie to me either I just saw what you and Niall did." Harry smiled liked he was the best detective out there.

"Haha, well if you think you're so smart and can figure out whats going on, what do you think is going on between Niall and I huh?" I said as I teased him.

"I know that you and him probably like each other and just haven't told each other yet, but I'm pretty sure if you two act all flirty and lovey dovey around each other you'll be together soon enough and all i want is my wittle Sarbear to be happy." Harry said as he squeezed my cheeks.

"Harry stop it!!" I laughed as I pushed him almost off his chair as we both started laughing and then realized the song was over and Niall and Louis both shook hands and walked in separate directions as Niall walked towards me.

"So, did you like what you saw?" He smirked.

"I didn't know you could sing? You're surprisingly good."

"Hey! Did you think i was going to be bad or something? C'mon now I'm Niall Horan theres nothing bad about me!"

I smiled, "Oh my gosh, you're so full of yourself."

He just smiled and chuckled, "Soo, I was wondering do you have plans Friday?"

"Well, you know I'm a pretty popular girl and everything..."

We both paused for a second while looking a each other and start laughing

"Hey! Someday I'll be popular maybe when I invent a medicine that will cure any disease or cancer!"

"Haha well I think smart girls are hot." Niall said as he winked at me and I started blushing.

"Well anyways, what were you going to say Mr. Horan?"

"I was going to ask you if you would like to see a movie this Friday, and then I'd take you out to dinner and maybe do a little something...afterwards?" He said nervously.

I punched him and gasped, "I'm not like that!"

"First of all I was just joking, and second of all... Ow! You punch hard for a girl." He said as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Well don't under estimate us girls we tend to be tougher than you think." I said as I patted him on the shoulder making sure he wasn't in too much pain.

"So back to the question, will you?"

"Is this a... date you're asking me on?" I said as I started to find a way to react because I've never been asked out on a date before.

"Yeah, I guess it is." He said as we both smiled.

"Okay then, yes I will go on a date with you on Friday." I said smiling trying to hide the fact that I've never been asked out on a date before.

"Cool! I'll pick you up on Friday at 8, wear something cute, oh wait, you always do as far as I'm concerned." He said winking and walked away as class was about to start.

I sat down in my seat realizing the fact that I just got ask out on a date and that I might actually really like this kid.

As the bell rang the teacher turned around from her chalkboard and started talking beggining class.

"I Will Always Be There For You." One Direction Fan Fic. <3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora