Chapter 5

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Alya scrolled through her Messages app, refreshing the page every so often to see if she missed anything. She still couldn't fathom the nerve of that girl! How had she have ever been best friends with a jealous bully - so hellbent on tormenting someone more interesting than her?

Since Miss Bustier wasn't yet in the classroom, classmates were mostly crowded around Lila's desk, as she chatted about her recent trip to Achu with Prince Ali. Alya sighed in disappointment and stood up to make her way over, only to jump in surprise when the classroom door was flung open.

There stood an akuma, strings creating a guitar over his heart. A necklace with something triangular attached to it was hung around his neck, and in his arms was a female facing away from everyone.

The reporter swiftly pulled up her Camera app, live-streaming for her Ladyblog. Hopefully Paris' heroes would see it and she could snag an interview with them, she thought.

"It's so nice to finally see the class of untrustworthy, ungrateful brats altogether," he sneered, tone filled to the brim with restrained anger.

His emerald eyes softened when he looked down to the girl in his arms, and the class watched as she glanced at them, her eyes the same colour. Then they realised that it was Marinette, except her hair was flowing, a stark contrast to her usual hairstyle.

He cupped her cheek with one of his hands, finger sliding against the hollow of her cheekbone as he stated, "Don't worry, my Melody. They'll get what's coming to them, along with Lila for what they did to you."

Alya internally raged, thinking as to how insensitive Marinette was to have someone humiliate Lila for her so that she couldn't take the blame.

"Luka?" Juleka murmured, though it was crystal clear in the relatively quiet classroom. A smirk played on his lips as he answered, "Not anymore, sister. It's Heartstring now, and you all will pay for harming Marinette!"

The tension in the air was so thick that a knife wouldn't be able to cut through it. Inspecting the female more, the class saw how she almost seemed unaware of the stares of everyone around her, until a shrill voice broke the silence.

"It's not true!" Lila cried, tears streaming down her cheeks, "S-She must've lied to get you akumatized! She's probably working for Hawk Moth!"

The feral growl that ripped from the akuma's throat signified that she had said the wrong thing, as he placed Marinette down gently onto the teacher's desk before his fingers played a tune on his heartstrings.

The music was hollow, and the class felt as though their hearts were as heavy as a ton of bricks as most doubled over from the pain. They attempted to cover their ears but to no avail, as their backs straightened and mouths clamped shut without control.

Alya felt her hands tilt the phone in Lila's direction, making her confused as to why the akuma made them. The reporter's eyes briefly flickered to Marinette, only to see the girl obliviously swaying side to side as if the melody was sweet music to her ears.

Everyone's bodies were stiff, forced to look in the direction of Lila as Heartstring grinned and hissed, "Let's see Lila Rossi. How do you feel about Marinette? What is it really like between you two?"

The Italian's face paled significantly, and Alya felt her muscles tense in frustration as she watched Lila unfairly being tested for something that wasn't wrong. Well, he would see the truth, Alya thought.

He did, and so did everyone else as they listened to the long list of interactions between Marinette and Lila.

Lila had threatened Marinette in the bathroom, saying she would turn all of her friends against her.

Lila had snuck her fox tail necklace into Marinette's locker to frame her for stealing.

Lila had placed a test answer sheet in her bag to make it look like Marinette had cheated on a test.

Lila had faked a knee injury, saying Marinette pushed her down a set of stairs. That along with the other supposed breaking of school rules got her expelled.

The most shocking discovery was when Lila revealed that the story of Marinette bullying her was a hoax.

The class sat in horror, gazes alternating between the Vixen and Marinette, who's eyes were still an unnatural green.

Alya's hand trembled, phone dropping onto her desk. The sudden noise in the classroom made a few people start, faces clearly ridden with guilt. There was no time for everyone to think about their actions however, as a leather-clad figure cleared his throat at the entrance of the room.

Heads turned to Chat Noir as he joked, "Though I'd love to play Truth or Dare with you all, I think it's time I step in to ruin the fun." He leaned on his baton, smirking, but it was a strained smile.

He turned to Marinette briefly, noticing the way Heartstring tensed before lunging at him. Thankfully he saw the attack coming, and dodged just in time. Chat leaped into the courtyard of the school, the akuma following suite.

A purple symbol flared over Heartstring's face, no doubt Hawk Moth demanding for the miraculous.

As expected, Heartstring faced Chat Noir, eyes catching onto his ring before nimble fingers reached up to his heart. Chat, sensing he would use his instrument, threw his weapon at his hand, successfully surprising him as he charged forward.

His claws were ready, aimed at the guitar pick strung around his neck. Luka swiftly sidestepped, missing Chat Noir by an inch, and proceeded to slide his foot underneath his leg, tripping him over.

Chat yelped as Heartstring held him down on the ground, fingers ready to grab his ring. With his baton out of reach, he did the only thing he could think of.

"Cataclysm!" he yelled, as destructive energy bubbled from his fingertips. Luka leaned back, intent on not getting touched by the force. Chat smirked and reached for his baton, but was interrupted by the faint voice of one of his classmates.

"Marinette, you need to hide! The akuma might hurt you if he finds you!" Alya warned back in the classroom, pulling on said girl's arm. She stayed put on the desk, murmuring under her breath.

"He said he'll protect me."

"Girl, we need to go! I don't want my best friend to get hurt!" she exclaimed, arms waving in the air.

Marinette blankly stared back at Alya before saying, "I'm not your best friend. You made that very clear."

Her mouth dropped open, prepared to deny when Heartstring appeared in the doorway. Instantly, Marinette went to his side, ignoring the incredulous stares of Alya and Chat Noir behind them.

"I'll get you out of here my Melody," he vowed, nose nuzzled in her hair as he swept her off of her feet and jumped away. The wind blew through her tresses as she peeked over the akuma's shoulder and saw Chat Noir tailing her.

She buried her head in his chest, eyes tightly shut as she tried to block out the memory of Alya suddenly saying they were best friends again, when she had said earlier that they weren't. Tears pricked in the corners of her eyes, as the calm atmosphere began to dissipate.

Her attention was focused on his heart, as she now noticed the hollow space of it. Without any strings.

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