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Jay honestly hadn't a slight clue w hat he was doing. If you asked him, he wouldn't have an answer. But he didn't really need one...

He had his reasons for creepily following Alex Kralie around the woods alone. Yes it was dumb, but in his head he was justified.

Jay's footsteps were as quiet as possible, mimicking the boys infront, doing his best and a pretty good job a keeping his distance. His camera in a pretty tight grip, as to not drop it as he guessed it would make a little more than noise.

But of course, the chance of getting caught and the thought of Alex most likely bad reaction hadn't stopped him yet, or well, it technically had...

The camera man had stopped a few feet away from the film maker, who sat in front of a large tunnel, and from where Jay was, he couldn't see the other end. Zooming the camera in, focusing on Alex as he rummage through a little black satchel. Just to be safe, Jay used the trees for cover, darting between one to get slightly closer, keeping the camera at least semi focused on whatever it was Alex had been staring at.

During one of the darting between trees, Jay managed to get his lace caught on a branch, not falling completely but he sure made more than enough noise to make Alex snap around at the once quiet direction.

During this, Jay made a quick and pretty bad attempt to at least get out of Alex's line of sight, his hoodie helped a little though. But of course, Jay's blue eyes connected with Alex's, filling his stomach with some sense of dread since he knew what was going to happen if he didn't get himself out in the next 0.5 seconds.

"Jay..?" The taller man called out, an eye brow raised in confusion, mostly. Standing up and beginning to realise that it was in fact his old friend from college.

Jay let out a breath, not daring to move, instead, he pulled his foot back, snapping the branch more and bringing more attention to himself in a pitiful attempt to get out of the lecture he was going to receive.

Already, Jay could hear some pretty angry foot steps steadily approaching him, so he sat the camera down in what he thought was a pretty smart, well hidden place. Just in time too.

As soon as Jay had finished, he heard Alex clearly above him, clearing his throat to grab the currently crippled man.

"What are you doing?" Came the seemingly simple sentence. Laced with some anger. "Haven't I told you already that we aren't working together. Do you understand that?" The man snapped, holding a hand out hesitantly, a glare on his face as Jay took his hand, pulling him to his feet.

"Well I couldn't let you just walk off! Not after-" Jay had stopped himself, finally thinking about his next works carefully.

Did he really want to tell Alex what he knew?

Probably not...

"Not after what, Jay? Hm?" Alex pushed the subject, taking a step forward, Jay taking one back.

"J-just forget about it." Jay attempted to dismiss. Opening his mouth to speak again before getting interrupted again.

"Alright then Jay, next question. Why have you been following me?"

"That's pretty much the same question! I'm not stupid, Alex. I didn't know you would be here..."

"Oh! You didn't, huh?" Alex let out a pretty obvious fake laugh, pointing at the camera which Jay had knocked over when he stood up. "So you just happened to bring your camera, a few tapes, have it recording and walk through the woods. For what? Deer?" Alex let out a sigh, taking off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his noose. "I'm not stupid either, Jay."

Jay picked up the camera, dusting it over quickly to check if it had been damaged in anyway. The stone cold glare still hadn't left Alex's face as he watched Jay closely.

"I mean it Jay. I want you to stop following me. Period. No exceptions." The brunette warned, his tone darker than usual, and I sent a chill up Jay's spine.

"Whatever..." the boy muttered barely above a whisper, barging past the taller man and in (hopefully) the direction of his car.

Alex let out an obnoxious sigh, rolling his eyes at Jay's attitude before spinning around on his heels. "And where are you going?" He called out. It almost broke his glare, seeing the boy looking so clueless.

"To my car. It's getting late, I only came out for some quick shots." Was his quick reply.

"Oh? Shots of the back of my head? Pretty interesting, Jay!" Alex snapped back, sarcastic as always. "But you're going the wrong way."

Jay turned around, a little flustered due to embarrassment that Alex had called him out, seeming a hint of a smirk plastered on his face as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

"Well which way is it then?"

Alex sighed again, walking up to Jay, grabbing his arm and dragging him the opposite way.

The brunettes walked in pretty much silence, an occasional cough or loud breath interrupted. Alex still had a pretty strong hold on Jay's arm, making Jay walk faster than he normally would be, tripping over his feet a few times before he could see the opening to the car park.

It made him sigh, of relief, knowing that he would no longer have to put up with the awkward silence.

All he wanted to do was go home.

And still.

He couldn't even do that yet.

"I was being serious." Was the sentence Alex had chosen to start his talk with. "I mean it Jay, Do not. Follow me home. Do. Not. Follow me in general." He warned again, walking up to Jay, intimidating Jay slightly, pointing a finger at him every time he started a new sentence. "You know to much" he murmured.

Jay only nodded, more interested in if his camera was still recording. Of course he was going to do it again, he didn't really listen to Alex before, why would he listen to him now?

And that's the logic he kept with.


I'll probably do a part 2 but as if right now I felt like I had to get this out but my phone is going to die so yeah! I hope you enjoyed my one shots.

I also will be taking requests so if you have any I can try and write it!

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