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I don't own the copyright, it belongs to Cassandra Clare, I only wanted to write a fanfic I would read.

A shudder went through me as I marched down the stairs to the weapons room. "Wait up, Alex! I need to talk to you!"
It was my cousin and parabati Max, "what is it Max, I've got to train."
"No, we don't. Not today, there's something in the sanctuary you have to see..."
He pulled me down the hall and unlocked the door. A blonde haired girl was sprawled across the cushions of one of the few chairs and on her wrist... a voyance rune shown.
"Do my parents know?" I asked startled. He shook his head, "I think she's hurt or something, she hasn't moved since I found her."
"Why were you down here to begin with?" He shifted uneasily and I sighed, "you met Tala again didn't you?"
Tala was a lycanthrope girl, Maia and Bat's kid and for heavens sake they were inseparable.
"Well just be careful, her parents are head of the New York pack, we don't want to cause her to hate us."
He snorted, "trust me I've got it, now about this girl."
I sighed and moved towards her, gripping the edge of her arm. She had me on my ass in seconds, pressing a dagger to my throat. Max flipped her off me, but she was quick, slipping around him like a vampire and baring her teeth in a defensive manner.
"Hey, we're not going to hurt you," I said putting my hands up. Max glared at me, "bro, don't to it."
"Why the hell would you wake me up?! I just wanted some sleep alright?"
My eyebrows rose, "shadowhunters don't usually sleep in the sanctuary, there's plenty of rooms in the institute."
"I'm not welcome inside the walls... just go away."
My lips pressed together tightly, she was favoring her right leg and she glowered sharply at my noticing.
"You're hurt..."
"Why do you think I wanted to sleep, bug off now will you."
"If you're trying to be nice, you're doing very poorly."
Sweat gleamed on her forehead and she frowned, sliding down the wall.
"I, I shouldn't have come here."
Her head dipped and Max lurched forward, "get your mom," he groaned, lifting her. I ran down the hall and straight into my dad, ducking below him, I found mom drawing in the window, "Alex, what is it?"
"Girl, sanctuary, shadowhunter, injures." I stumbled over the words and both my parents took off towards the infirmary.
"Who is she?" Dad asked as we marched.
"Not sure, she said she wasn't allowed inside the walls..."
"Damn... probably a rogue one. They cut themselves off from the Clave. You should've gotten us first."
"Well it was a split second decision."
Mom glared just before we slid inside. Well crud, now they were both angry at me, "Jace... that rune..."
"What?" He asked startled seeing the girls arm shaking with a silver rune.
"That's not a normal rune, it's a curse... I've seen it before."
"When I was thinking of ways to stop my brother."
Dad's jaw ground together, when any mention of this brother was brought up.
"Who would?"
"Someone like you and I, maybe a fallen... that would be most likely the case."
"Mom... dad...? Is this bad?"
They looked at me with worry, "you and Max take your brother and sister to Magnus. They'll be fine there."
"No," I said sternly meeting my father's golden gaze.
"I'm not a child and I insist I be brought into the loop."
Mom sighed, "let him stay, Max would you please take the younger ones to Magnus. Your mom and dad are there anyways. Tell them what's going on."
"Yes mam."
Max slid past me almost nervous, maybe it was just the atmosphere of the room.
Mom slid down beside the girl and peeled back a shredded piece of jean to a nasty gash.
She pulled the stele from her belt and touched it to her skin. The silver rune flared red and jolted her awake gasping for breath, "Don't you dare," she choked.
"Whoa kiddo, you've got quite a bad wound here. Why can't I use the stele on you?"
"Give it here, mine was stolen off me. It'll only work for me."
Sure enough, the rune grew easily on her skin this time, but it was silver too, almost diluted.
"Why did you bring me in here? Didn't your son tell you I'm not allowed in here?"
"Yes, and I think you went rogue."
Her eyes flashed, "no, I was disowned."
"Wiped from the slate of your history, the clave didn't want their precious bloodlines spoiled by a cursed Mason."
The name meant something to my parents, "don't get any ideas, I'm not staying," she grumbled pulling herself up and out the door.
"She must be one of those hidden families, like that Herondale, Tessa found."
"She's a bit feisty for a Mason, they're usually fidgety and headstrong Clary."
"Well she's gone now, what do we do?" I asked.
"I'm not sure... Alex?"
I was already up on my feet though, moving down the hall. My plan was nuts, but I wanted to at least try it out.
My gear slid on pretty easily, but my dad came in frowning, "you shouldn't go after that girl, let the Clave handle it."
"No ones going to come, you don't even like the law all that much. A shadowhunter needs help and as a member of the institute it's my job to help whoever this person is."
"Then you'll need this..."
He tossed a sheathed blade to me and disappeared from the doorway. I slid the sheath away and stared.
"Morning star," this was the Morgenstern blade, I never expected to receive it.
It had been the blade my mother used to kill Jonathan Morgenstern, her brother...
I slid the blade through the sheath on my back and filled my belt with Seraph blades before heading out.
She was predictable to my surprise, hiding out in Taki's.
"You followed me, I didn't expect such kindness from a Morgenstern."
"Herondale actually."
Her eyes narrowed with annoyance. "I know, but the hilt of that sword is Morgenstern."
She leaned back casually and slid a cup of coffee to me.
"So why'd you follow me. I left your mother's stele on the table."
"I know, but I brought you this one, a shadowhunter really shouldn't be without one."
Her eyes rolled, "you'll get into trouble..."
"Come on, my father's all about below the radar, he let me come out here to figure out what the hell is going on."
"Well Your namesake isn't like that."
"My uncle Alec, Sheesh, he's too protective of his own family to involve himself with the clave."
"I trust Magnus I guess. That's why I'm in town actually."
My eyebrows danced, "hoping to cause a divorce."
Her face scrunched up, "I should've guessed you'd have the Herondale tongue. My father said you guys were all the same, and he described you guys to the T."
"Oh and I'm so shocked, now back to the previous subject, what about my uncle Magnus?"
"Your mother noticed my rune I take it... someone cursed me when I was young and Magnus has been looking for a cure most of my life."
"A cure? If it's a curse doesn't that mean you have to live with something bad for a while right."
Her blue eyes flashed to her needle straight hair and then to a couple of vampires making out in the corner.
"Watch their lips."
My eyes narrowed, but her hands moved slightly and I watched frost appear across their mouths. She winced though and my eyes snapped back to that hand covered in strange silver ink.
"Jeez, I shouldn't have suggested that. Look at your hand."
"It's alright, it doesn't increase the damage done already it just hurts when I'm weak."
"I didn't catch your name by the way."
"It's Bailey, Bailey Mason, but everyone calls me Bay."
"Well it's nice to meet you bay."
A waitress set down some food and looked at me wearily. "Do your folks know your out Alex?"
"Yeah, I'm alright... can you get me the usual I skipped breakfast."
She moved away and Bay sighed, "so the ice consumes me at moments it seems fit, you see this hair, I used to be a brunette. I hate being blonde.... you got lucky inheriting you mother's looks..."
No one had said that to me and I found it somewhat creepy, "ok then... and this ice hurts you."
"It's like what Yin Fin does to the body except there's no euphoria. I can't touch witchstone without it doing strange things, nor can I ignite a seraph blade. My dagger does pretty well though."
"I saw that this morning. Max shouldn't have suggested looking you over."
"No he should not, but I forgive you, just don't go around bragging that I'm in town."
"That I can do."
Her smile spread and it stopped my chest for a stupid moment. "I'll take you to Magnus, it'll be easier that way."
"Your father worried I'm going to cause trouble?"
"Don't take offense, but we don't really know what you're planning to do and it'll make everyone a lot happier."
"Fine, I'm all about keeping people friendly."
We ate breakfast in silence and I began to piece together that her anger and glares seemed to just be a defensive strategy. Don't get me wrong, she was basically indifferent to my existence but I saw why she was that way now.
I put her meal on my tab to, Idris covered our bills anyways.
"So how do you like New York?"
"I don't like the city it smells..."
"I've never notice, probably because I'm used to it."
"Probably, I live out west in Washington."
"I take it you like the rain?"
"No... it's just harder for people to run into me out there and deserts were never easy to survive in."
"You seem pretty well trained though."
"There's smaller institutes, some almost abandoned. My folks ran one, they taught me everything I know shadowhunter wise. The other stuff I picked up from the downworld."
"Don't Tell me they told you that falcon story to sleep too."
Her eyebrows rose as we turned into Magnus's building.
"I've no clue what you're talking about."
Max was sitting sprawled across the couch with my brother and sister asleep beside him.
"Hey, what's she doing here?"
"She was here to see Magnus."
Alec and Max's parents appeared too.
"He's in his office, it's been quite a while miss Mason."
"Indeed, I see you've changed a lot, mentality wise."
"And your mouth hasn't, go on."
I followed and Alec gripped my arm, "careful, she's not the kind of girl you get close to."
"I'm not uncle Alec? I told my father I'd keep an eye on her."
His eyes went to my mother's blade, "it seems he has, go on. But remember what I said. I've seen that look on your father before and it sent him down a rabbit hole."

Bay was sitting in front of Magnus and he was surprised to see me come in.
"Oh Alex! What a surprise?! Come in please, you're a book worm for spells and the such still aren't you?"
I swallowed and nodded, "sure I read starkweathers journals, and something's, but I was raised on different things."
He nodded as I sat down and his cat jumped into my lap.
"I swear the carstairs rubbed off on you. How his Jem?"
"Good, he's really happy with Tessa but I think the absence of Will is traumatizing to them. They both want him in their lives again."
"Mmm, well back to you miss Mason, you look weak. What happened?"
"I got hit by shrapnel but I'm a lot better now."
"What kind of shrapnel?"
"A dagger... it wasn't demon poison, I would've noticed."
"Alright, let me see the rune... and what's the last thing you remember."
A blue flame hovered at her silver rune and Bay's hand gripped the wood as her blue eyes flickered like a warlocks. I saw the iris grow blue and my breath stop.
"Home, I remember home before the fire. It's always that." She shivered and her eyes went back to normal.
Magnus tapped his hand uneasily, "I've got bad news Bay."
Her lips twitched, "I expected as much when you summoned me."
"The ice is consuming you from the inside out, I don't expect you to make it to eighteen, but I'd like you to stay in New York. I've learned some new things that I think will actually help. I want to break this curse for you and I won't give up. The Herodales can host you as a personal favor to me. In fact it's Alex's eighteenth birthday this week. They could use some help planning the party."
Bay didn't look too pleased and I wasn't either. I hated being reminded of the party I would now have to attend.
"Oh don't look so down Alex. You'll be a real shadowhunter, free to travel and hunt the world."
"No, not when they'll request I take to the Clave so they can poke and prod me. They're the clave and when I'm an adult there will be nothing to stop their curiosity."
"Do you still see things like your parents do?"
"Not just that, I've been seeing runes too and I've always been limber like my father, but there's something different..."
"Different how."
"I see them Magnus..."
"Stop dancing around the topic, what do you see?"
"I see ghosts for one, but that runs in the Herondale line. I also saw something the other night, during the witching hour I saw the rifts."
His eyes shot open and his hands gripped my shirt, "and you said nothing! You could help end the demons invasion."
"The demon realms are infinite and it's not just those rifts. Fallen, Fey, and angels. It's where they all meet, or at least when."
"Ok, I see why you're worried now. I'll look into it, try not to mention this to anyone. I'll do my best to keep the Clave from their curiosities."
"Thank you Magnus."
He slipped a couple wads of cash from his pocket, "take the girl shopping, will you. She'll need some clothes if she plans to stay at the institute."
My lips pressed together but she took the cash and thanked him.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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