Update part 3

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I know I've already posted multiple times today, but I don't know what else to do. I just packed up the last box and I'm waiting for Jay's parents to come pick up her stuff. The wall feels empty without the giant cardboard cutout.

I went back to the sorority house before Jayden's parents told her they were taking her home. As I expected, she put up a fight. She messaged me, expecting me to come to her defense. I responded with a snap of our room, all her stuff in boxes and the caption "you're going home."

We got in a fight. We both said things we didn't mean, but ultimately, I knew I was the one who crossed the line.

I took Cardboard Carl to the parking lot and set him on fire. I had Ali film it for me so Jay wouldn't miss a single moment of me ripping him to shreds and tossing him in the fire.

God, that was therapeutic.

Needless to say, Jay hates me now. I know it's for the best. I just hope she'll be able to see that one day.

An Absolutely Remarkable FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora