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Gemini man was walking closer to the miror as toad man came out as he was holding a pair of blue cloths in his hand. "Wow that is some pretty cloths" Gemini man said as he then turned around and was shocked.

Toed man was holding blue silk cloths in its hands it was blue and made of silk and very soft. Toad man handed the cloths to Gemini man.

"Try it on" toad man said

"Ok" gemini man said as toad man told gemini man too follow him to the changing room Gemini man said "Ok" and followed toad man as he walked behind toad man

Gemini walked into the changing room and changed into his cloths as he put on the new cloths it looked really good on him. "This looks good" he said to himself but didn't realize Toed man is watching him change so he walked out and bought the cloths from toad man and then walked home (he forgot his car).

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