Chatper 1

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"How did we end up fighting again?" mused Lance, as Keith lodged another flawless attack in an attempt to kill him, narrowly missing his leg.

"Let me think about it," he said with another skilful swing of his black sword, this time slicing through the blue paladins shirt, Lance saving his golden kin by moving back. "Maybe if you wear the so shit at fighting we wouldn't need to be here." The raven said, finishing with LANCE'S signature smirk. Ass.

"Oh yeah, well I'm about to beat you so prepare to have your dreams drowned." The brunette said as he tried to find a shred of dominance and horribly failed, as Keith lead a new onslaught of attacks. Unfortunately, when the Texan finds one thing off about Lance, in this case, his foot work, he abuses it to best him every time.

~3 minutes later~

"Well shit" Lance says to the raven haired boy, who was currently hovering above inches above, breathing heavily with his legs on either side or brunette's waist. Lance felt heat creep onto face as Keith's breath hot breath found it's way into his face. Keith looked down at the Cuban as an evil plan formed in his head.

Keith POV

I saw a light blush appear on Lance's face as he realised what position we were in. The Cuban boy almost immediately looked to the side in a failed attempt to cover up his pink tinted cheeks. We just stayed like that, for about a minute so I could plot my next move. I mean, why not take the rare opportunity to cultivate his blush further without interruption?

I ran my two front teeth along the perimeter of his ear. "You know, your improving Cuban." I could feel a shiver go up his spine from how close we were. God I love doing this to him. "Maybe next time we'll upgrade your training," I whispered in a husky voice right next to his ear. Yeah, not enough of a reaction, I bit down on his earlobe earning a gasp as he practically threw his head back exposing his neck. Oh Lance you stupid, hot boy. Why do you keep doing this to yourself?

Lance POV

He bit my earlobe!?! I threw my head back and bit my lip so hard I could taste blood. Not before I gasped. Dammit! I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of getting to me. Oh why are you so good? I was about to try to get out of  underneath him, before this thing went any further but I felt a pair of lips graze over my neck. Fuck Keith, how can you get me breathless without doing anything?

"You know Lance?" He said, moving up to my jawline. "Your quite cute when you squirm underneath my touch. It's always a pleasure to spar with you." He said, as finished with his fun, that was until he saw me biting my lower lip. I really hate this guy. "Oh, lance." He said shaking his head. "And to think that I was going to let you get away with just that" the raven hair boy said as he lowered his lips onto mine. Just enough for me to release my bite. And as a consequence he licked the blood off my lips as I just sat there trying my hardest to keep myself under control. "You should know that I won't tolerate you holding yourself back" he said. With each word I could feel his lips graze my neck.

"Fuck" I said as he pulled away. He could clearly see I wanted more, but that would mean being nice to me. And that would giving in himself. And if there's one thing that this boy dose not do is give in.

"Good training session" he said,  returning to his normal self. LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. "Just be more aware of your legs in battle." He winked at me as he exited through the door.

"Jackass" I said to no one in particular as I laid on the ground. Our battle training sessions have really started to get physical after the last battle.

~665 words~

Hey peeps! Now I realise no one really reads the authors note so if you do then good on you. Pidge is proud.

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