Chapter 3

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Keith POV

As I walked back into the kitchen the room fell silent. Like they were just talking about me. Pidge gave me their classic 'I know something' smile and the rest continued eating. "Where's Lance?" She turned towards me, "Didn't I just say that this is the best goo yet?" Allura laughed but quickly stopped herself when she saw Pidge looking at her like she'd die if she thought the food wasn't good. Pidge never joked about food when she was hungry.

"Ummmmmm, yeah. I left him in the hallway whe-" I started but was rudely interrupted.

"I'm right here, no need to panic" Lance said with his hands waving above his head. He glared at me as he walked past. Such sass after what happened not three minutes ago. We all sat down and enjoyed our meal. Pidge was right, it was the best goo yet. After dinner we all washed up our plates and I headed back to the training deck for some extra practice. Can't have Lance catching up.

~30 minutes later~

Lance POV

"Arrrrrr!" I head someone make an agitated growl from the training deck. I had nothing better to do so I walked in the room to see none other than the biggest tease in space. Keith.

"Hey honey, I'm home~" I say with a huge smirk on my face. Kieth turns towards me and glares, not noticing the attack robot behind him. It slashed his arm and he yelped, clutching just below the gash as the robot prepared for another swing. "STOP TRAINING" I yelled at the top of my lungs as the robots fell to the floor. "You idiot" I say as I grab some bandages from the first aid cupboard.

"Naw, thanks baby boy! I knew I could count on you~" He purred. Making my face turn bright red as I finished wrapping up his wound.

"D-don-" I try to say back, but my lips are taken over by the soft ones of my raven haired boy.... did I just refer to him as mine? Never mind. The fact is that he is straddling my for the second time today, grinding on me and making me hard. What is this guys game?

He starts to feel up my sides, sending a shivers down my spine. exploring my front and feeling my abs. All thoughts leaving my head as I gave into pleasure and let him take over. I snake my hands around his neck and deepen the kiss.

Wait...What are we doing?

My question would have to go unanswered as we heard Shiro calling for Keith. "Hey Keith where are you? I need some help." He yells stoping mine and Keith's little adventure. We just look into each other's eyes completely confused on what to do. As we hear his footsteps getting closer I slowly push Keith back and 'check' his wound while not braking eye contact once. Well until Shiro walked in at least.

Keith POV

He took one look at my arm and said "what did you do?" Not 'are you ok?' Or 'how did you do that?" But 'what did you do'. Very supportive.

"Lance distracted me," Shiro just gave an all knowing smirk. Everyone is acting really weird lately.

"I need help. But if you're busy then I can get you late-" Shiro began

"No!" I accidentally yelled, "It's ok, I'll come now." I said getting up. To embarrassed to look at Lance again, we left the room with out another word until about ten meters down the hall.

"What exactly did I walk into?" Shiro said with a half smirk. Heat rose to my cheeks, remembering what just happened. What did he walk into? What is Lance to me? I mean we can on longer say that we're friends, but we are no where near being lovers. This is too much.

"So I think I have a plan to attack this Galra shipping port we found but I need your help." Shiro said, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Ok, sounds good" literary anything to distract me from Lance is welcomed.

~706 words~

Sup ma dudes, hows life? Sorry this chapters a bit all over the place and what not.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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