Chapter 4-Mug cakes and blush

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"Soooo, what do you wanna do?" Kaz asked. Russia had just gone to America's house, Soviet and Martial Law went to work, Germany went to Poland's house, Belarus went to a friends house and so did Third Reich. It was just Kazakhstan and Philippines in the house now. "I dunno. You got any ideas?" Phil said, sitting on the arm of the couch. "Wanna go to my room?" Kazakhstan asked with a smirk. "Yeah, let's go."
Kazakhstan flopped onto his bed and Philippines sat next to him. "So, um..." Philippines started, his face started to shine a bright pink color. They both went silent for a few seconds. "What do you like to do?" He asked, wanting to break the silence that had grown upon them. "I paint and cook in my spare time." Kazakhstan replied. "You?" "I like to draw and make things." Philippines answered. "What kind of things do you make?" "Dreamcatchers, decorated signs with pictures I've drawn, stuff like that." "I like your aesthetic." Kazakhstan chuckled, pulling out his phone. "Aesthetic?" "Yeah, it's kinda bubbly, calming, and cute." He mumbled the last part. "Hey, you seem pretty cool, Kaz. Wanna hang out sometime soon?" Phil asked, hugging his knees. "Yeah sure, and you seem like a cool dude too, Phil."
Philippines face was a light pink at this point, he was still hugging his knees, and he was admiring the paintings on Kazakhstan's wall's. His favorite was one of a boy sitting on the moon holding the stars that sat just above his bed. 'He keeps to himself at times I bet.' Kazakhstan thought, looking at the boy that sat next to him looking around. He giggled a bit. Philippines turned around, "What's so funny?" He asked. "Nothing."

*A few hours later*

The boys had learned a bit about each other, such as; Kazakhstan's favorite thing to bake is mug cake, Philippines plays the guitar, and that both of them love the fall because of the colors, scents, etc.
   "Can you bake us a mug cake?" Philippines asked. "Yeah, give me a few minutes." Philippines watched as Kazakhstan stood up and walked downstairs, he pulled out his phone after he left due to boredom. The thing is, Philippines couldn't stop smiling and he didn't know why. He scrolled through Instagram and saw a picture of the stars in front of the forest and he got inspired by it. He took out his sketchpad from his bag and started doing a sketch of a person in front of the woods, holding their hand up to the sky. 20-24 minutes later Kazakhstan walked back up stairs with two mug cakes in hand. He opened the door with one hand and he held the two mugs in the other, before handing his right hand the mug back. "I got the mug cakes." "Thanks- These smell good." "They are good, whatcha drawing?" Philippines looked at his drawing, the details were all there and he realized that he had drawn Kaz. "I don't know, I just started drawing." "Looks like me." "Yeah..."
They began to eat their mug cakes and talked some more and then they turned on some anime to watch.

*A few more hours later*

Philippines yawned, "I'm sleepy." "Oh, really?" "Yeah..." He laid his head down on Kazakhstan's shoulder and a few minutes later fell asleep. Kazakhstan smiled and laid him down in his bed and started to get up to go downstairs to not disturb the sleeping boy, Philippines groaned and moved on his side facing the door. "Sleep well." He turned the light down and shut the door almost all the way. Philippines smiled a bit in his sleep and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink again.

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