Professor Pericles

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Last Time: I heard a bang. I ran out to see what happened. I passed out black.

I woke up in the Hospital. A few hours later, the Gang came to visit me after I got out of the Hospital.

"Ray, What happened? The Marking (2) was bleeding. What does it mean?"

"I don't know. One moment I was fine, next I was out. The Marking means I am a Sub."

"Sub? As in submissive?" asked Velma

"Yes. I don't like to be called that but that is what I am. I am what is called a Firaian Submissive."

"What is a Firaian?" asked Daphne

"A Firaian is a combination of a Neko and Tangu. Doms are the male of the race. Subs are the female."

"How do you know this?"

"Mom left a book. I read it once but I thought it was Fiction. You know, not real. But after my transformation I read it again."

"Can you show us the book?"

"Yeah. Let me get it." I said walking up to a bookshelf. It was a big book called Leith Und Imrise Firaian Und Limian Umeris Und Historium. (A.N. Not a real translation. I made it up.)

"Like what does the title mean?" asked Shaggy

"It means Sub and Dom of Firians Life and History."


"Come on guys let's go home. Ray, do you mind if we read this?"



A knock knock went at the front door. I opened it to reveal an "overweight" black haired man and Professor Pericles.

"Wrong house." I said while closing it.

The black haired man placed his foot down stopping the door from closing all the way. They entered my house.

"Get out! This is my house or I will call the police!"

"I am Ricky Owens or as you know me as Mr. E. You know Professor Pericles."

"Great, now I know who to call the police to come and get."

"Now, now dear Rayia. You must have known that we come to get you so you can be safe from the Mayor."

"That's it!" I said while grabbing my phone.

Pericles snached my phone with his talons and broke it. Machines marched in and grabbed my arms, carefully, as to not hurt me.

"Let me go!"

I unfolded my wings knocking some of the machines off of me. I took flight. Professor Pericles followed sot. In his talons was a syringe. Within was a clear liquid. I thought, well shit.

He got to close so I tried to fly down to the ground but the syringe got into my wings. Professor Pericles inject the clear liquid into my wings. I began to fall asleep. I fought to stay awake. A machine grabbed me and carried me bridal style. Professor Pericles perched on the machine that was carrying me to, well, wherever they were taking me.

"Relax, Dear Rayia. Where we go will make no difference after a while." Professor Pericles said.

I fell asleep.

I Woke up. I looked around. I transformed into a black kitten. I sneaked out of the room. I heard four people talking.

"What will we do with the Blackmoon girl?"

"Dear Brade and Judy, we will keep her with us. Of course."

They walked around the corner. Ricky noticed me in kitten form. He picked me up.

"Ricky what did you find?"

"Just a kitten"

Someone ran in, "Sorry sir, but the girl is gone."

"Ricky that kitten could be her."

Ricky carried me over to Professor Pericles. I tried to break free but I failed. Pericles pind me under one of his talons.

"Transform back or be forced to"

I transformed back to a human. Pericles on my back.

"Get off my back."

"No, I think a lesson is due. Ricky get me what is in the bag."

By the time I got up Ricky was back. He was holding a black collar and a black leash.

"Oh hell no." I said standing up, I turned around to face Fred's real parents, "You backstabbed Fred didn't you?"

"Judy and I are trying to protect you kids, right Judy?"

"Right Brade"

Professor Pericles took this opportunity to put the collar around my neck. The collar where it had contact had symbols that stopped me from unfolding my wings. I tried to remove it but my strength had all but faded. I fell to the floor.

Professor Pericles spoke, "I see, that the collar works. It took months to find the right symbols. But if it keeps you restrained, then so be it."

Ricky spoke, "The symbols stop you from unfolding your wings, running away, and transforming into something we cannot find you in. It prolongs your heat and the after affects from it as well."

Two machines took me to a hospital-like room. A woman entered the room wearing a white coat.



"Stay hidden Baby! Ahhhhh!"


"Did you find her child yet?"

"No. We need to find her. Spread out and find her!"

"Yes Sir!"

Minutes later, footsteps were heard. Eyes looked at me.

"Come out dear. We aren't going to hurt you."

End of Flashback

I woke up dizzy.

AN. Sorry I'll add more but I wanted to add something. So here.

Scooby-Doo! Professor Pericles x Rayia (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now