Why Am I Like This?

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Why can't I seem to obey the rules now

Why am I always acting like the fool now

I just want one thing

I just want someone

How can't anyone get me just like that?

How come I can't seem to straighten out my act?

Why am I like this?

Please tell me why I'm like this


I don't understand

Why does life baffle me?

Why am I like this?

I'm just so unhappy

I hate myself so much

I want to change now

I hate myself so much 

Why am I like this?

Why am I like this?

Please tell me why

Just tell me why

Verse Two

I keep getting myself caught

In my little web of lies

I keep making myself fall

I tumbling to my demise

I can't seem to stop myself

I keep overestimating my skill

Why am I like this?

Please tell me why I'm like this


I don't understand

Why does life keep hurting me?

Why am I like this?

I hate myself so much

I want to change right now

I hate myself so much

But I just don't know how

Why am I like this?

Why am I like this?

Please tell me why

Just tell me why

Verse Three

I feel so much guilt

I hate all of my lies

I feel so much guilt

It's myself that I despise

Why can't I leave them

Why do I need them

My friends

My hate

Their love

I can't seem to contemplate

I need to stop

But they so much to me

They help me feel good

They make me happy

But no

I can't

I have to cut them off

That's it

No more

I've reached the final straw

Final Chorus

I don't understand

Why can't I just let them be?

I hate myself so much

I want to change now

I hate myself so much

Why am I like this?

Why am I like this?

I don't understand

Why am I making my family hurt?

Why am I doing this just for some small talk?

Why am I like this?

Why am I like this?

Please tell me why

Just tell me why

I want to know why


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