Everything Seemed Normal

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Everything seemed normal

Everything seemed normal

All's fine

All's swell

Then it turns completely around

Verse One

Wake up this morning

Got out of bed

Brain's too fuzzy, nothin' inside

Grabbed a can o' pop

To get that mornin'

Caf-fein-ated carb-onation high

Oh, oh

Bridge One

Yeah, things were so simple

Routine had been made up

Go about and move along

Having an average day

But then a life's curve ball was flung

And shook up everything!


I found her bleeding from her face

Now everything's out of place

There were no hints left today

That things would end this way

Everything seemed normal

Everything seemed normal

All's fine

All's swell

Then life turns it all

Completely around

Verse Two

Shrieking and sobbing

Filled the evening air

The cries of pain and the shedded tears

Of the three heartbroken family members

Rang out for yards

Wailing, screaming, begging

For all of this to just be some

Sort of nightmare

Bridge Two

Denial, denial

They didn't want to have to accept

Denial, denial

The death of the beloved family mother, however was

Written all in red

As the children wept


I found her bleeding from her face

Now everything's out of place

There were no hints left today

That things would end this way

Everything seemed normal

Everything seemed normal

All's fine

All's well

Then life turns it all

Completely around

Verse Three

Tears staining our faces

Our psyches almost stasis

As they pleaded desperately

"Oh God, please let this be a dream!

I don't want this reality!

Please, don't take her away, please let her stay!"

Bridge Three

No matter how they beg and plead

This passing is reality

Their hearts are filled with pain

Daughter crying tears

That turned into rivers

Brother bawling as he screamed out

Sister sobbing before falling quiet

There was nothing they could do

This sad, unfortunate nightmare

Was their new reality, true-ooh



Had found her

Bleeding from her face

Now everything's out of place

There were no hints left today

That things would end this way

Everything seemed normal

Everything seemed normal

All's fine

All's well

Then life turns it all

Completely around

Everything seemed so normal

Everything seemed so normal

Then all that familiarity

Just all goes away

(My nana died the day right before I wrote this.

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