Christmas At The Charming's

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Hello, hello! Because the Christmas season is creeping up, I thought I'd write a fanfic accordingly. This idea is based on a fanfic I read a couple years back, if I can find it I'll tag it, but the rest of the ideas are going to be original to the best of my knowledge. Enough babbling though, on to Christmas At The Charming's!

Oh! And one more thing; if you haven't watched OUaT before or haven't even heard of it you can still read! I'll start at the basics with characters and backgrounds. I'll also try my hardest to stay away from spoilers, but if you're in the middle of it on Netflix or you're planning on watching it I'd advise not to read this. NOW, onto Christmas At The Charming's!

I promise this is the last time, but I also don't own these characters, all rights to ABC. Now onto--... Well, you know the rest.

Emma Swan flinched at the piercing noise of her alarm in the morning. She rolled over and smacked her phone, which just lead to The Elegant Captain Hook from Peter Pan blasting as loud as it could. The man sleeping beside her stirred before she could turn it off.

He sat up and blinked. "And what the hell was that, Swan?" He asked in his groggy but somehow still sexy Irish voice. Emma finally managed to switch it off as he laughed.

"Did I hear the words 'elegant' and 'Captain Hook' in a song title?" The real life Captain Hook asked her, still sexy.

Emma murmured something about waxed moustaches and perms as she rose and stretched. Hook tried to pull her back into bed playfully, but she shook him off.

"The hell are you doing up so early anyways?" Hook asked her, losing his playfulness to whining you might hear from a six year old, minus the 'hell'. He sunk back into the bed.

"I told you last night, I have to grab Henry so we can go Christmas tree shopping with Mary Margaret and David." The groggy Emma reminded him. She had let Henry stay the night at her mom and dads, so she and Hook could... make... tacos. Luckily he hadn't started decoding what it meant to be dropped at grandma and grandpa's for a night; he just thought it was to spend time with his baby uncle Neal Jr. ...Who was named after his dad... who was also the child of Hook's former lover, Milah... It's best if you don't think about it. "Besides, I seem to remember you complaining about sleeping in something that wasn't floating on water. Comfy isn't it?"

Hook responded by burrowing further into the soft mountain of blankets and pillows. Emma rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile at the sight of Killian half buried under the pretty bedding at Granny's B&B.

It took less than twenty minutes for the simple woman to shower, change, eat, and overall get ready for the day. She knew Henry would be anxious to get out of the house. She threw a granola bar at Hook before leaving after he exclaimed, "Good luck picking a tree at 4 below!".

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