Sneak Peak

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"Sweetie, there's been some land dispute going on here with the Manobans. They're claiming a piece of our land on the west side of the plantation. We have proof that it's ours but they also have a land map that says it's theirs. It's a mess here, Jennie."

"Oh no, dad what are you gonna do?" she asked worriedly knowing her dad hated arguments, especially as big as this one.

"Well Marcus and I both agree that we don't want this issue to become too big. And we both agreed that... ahh..." he sounded hesitant that had Jennie worried.

"What is it, dad? You're making me nervous here." she chuckled worriedly.

"We both agreed to marry you with their youngest daughter. That's the best solution we could come up with. That way, both our families could still benefit from the land without the fights." he explained hurriedly, as if that would soften the harsh blow of the news.

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