A Shift In The Air

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OK for those who are unfamiliar with the tags this will be g!p/futa meaning Lisa will have a dick. If you're triggered by it or it grosses you out please do not proceed with the story. If you love it however, hope you enjoy :)


The warm night air blew through the trees as Jennie walked towards her apartment. She loved Wednesday nights, the streets were less crowded and the people we'rent in a rush to get home.

Her apartment was just a 10 minute walk away from the University she went to. Walks back and forth from her home to the University we'rent always pleasant like this one. Sometimes people were on a hurry and were rude, sometimes it would be cold and rainy, making the sidewalk slippery if you weren't careful. The cold weather made the woman who was selling oranges grumpy with everyone, but tonight was pleasant and warm and the woman was smiling at her costumers like they were old friends and Jennie felt the same. She took in the happy energy coming from everyone in the street and felt light hearted.

She passed by the store full of oranges, the sweet smell clung to her nose even when she's already a block away. Her sling bag bounced against the side of her hip as she continued to walk, the extra weight that wasn't normally there made her heart flutter a bit. She told Kai a week ago that she's been binge watching Game of Thrones and how much she's loving it. He looked at her with excitement and said the books were even better. Today, he lent her his copy of G.R.R. Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice and told her she's gonna fall in love with the story even more with a charming boyish grin.

She probably looked crazy smiling to herself in the middle of the street but she didn't care, she was full of glee and she relished the feeling.

With a happy sigh she looked up at the night sky, hoping she could see the stars but Seoul City's polluted air covered the view. If this was back home the stars would look back at her, shining against the inky black sky. Thinking of home made her remember her father, and with a jolt she hurried home when she saw the familiar entrance to her apartment building.

She went inside the apartment, plopped on the couch and took her phone out of the bag. Her father called earlier while she was in class, she texted him that she'll get back to him when she's free.

She dialled his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey sweetie" he greeted and she smiled at his deep and warm voice.

"Hey dad, you called earlier?"

"Ah yes, there's something I want to talk to you about. It's important."

"Okay..." her brows furrowed.

"Sweetie, there's been some land dispute going on here with the Manobans. They're claiming a piece of our land on the west side of the plantation. We have proof that it's ours but they also have a land map that says it's theirs. It's a mess here, Jennie."

"Oh no, dad what are you gonna do?" she asked worriedly knowing her dad hated arguments, especially as big as this one.

"Well Marcus and I both agree that we don't want this issue to become too big. And we both agreed that... ahh..." he sounded hesitant that had Jennie worried.

"What is it, dad? You're making me nervous here." she chuckled worriedly.

"We both agreed to marry you with their youngest daughter. That's the best solution we could come up with. That way, both our families could still benefit from the land without the fights." he explained hurriedly, as if that would soften the harsh blow of the news.

Every sound from the city outside came to a jarring halt. The only thing she could her was her own heartbeat as the room seemed to close in on her.

There was an intense pregnant pause and then, "Dad! What the hell!"

"I know, I'm so sorry, princess but that's our best solution."

"Dad, this isn't the 1800's where you can set me up on an arranged marriage! And I have a boyfriend!" Jennie exclaimed, she feels hot under her collar, blood pounding in her ears, unbelieving of the situation she found herself in.

"You do? How come I don't know about this boyfriend until now?"

"Well he's not really my boyfriend... yet. But we're getting there." She answered petulantly.

"Oh you're not even official yet, so that's fine. The Manoban's youngest is a good match for you. I think."

"Their youngest daughter... you mean Lisa? Snot-nosed Lisa?? Of all the people - UGH!" The girl always had snot in her nose, she never seemed to run out of it. That's why Jennie and her cousin Nayeon called her 'snotty Lili'.

She felt like she wasn't breathing with how riled up she was at the ridiculous situation.

"I thought you used to have a crush on Lisa. She was all you would talk about when you were kids."

"What?!" She choked at the incredulous idea. "It was her cousin Mino I had a crush on. Lisa was the little spawn of Satan who loved to terrorise me day in and day out. So of course I would always talk about that little monster."

"Don't be a child, Jennie. You were just as bad as her. I can't count the times you made that kid cry cos you kicked her in the balls, you probably made the poor girl sterile. Plus Lisa's all grown up now, tall kid too. I've always wanted tall grandchildren."

"Nobody asked what type of grandchildren you want, dad! The point here is that you're marrying me off without my goddamn consent!" her ears were ringing, she felt like she was on a comedy show.

"I know it's very hard for you, Princess. Believe me when I say that if there's another way I would take it, but Marcus is very much decided on this idea."

"Dad..." Jennie whimpered, realizing that this is real and that she had to marry a girl she didn't even like.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I'm ashamed to put this all on your shoulder. Look, maybe it's best you come home for a bit so we can talk about this in person."

"Fine." She answered curtly, dropping the call immediately not bothering to hear her father's answer.

She threw her phone on the coffee table and laid her body heavily on the couch. She felt so drained when she felt light just an hour ago on the way home.

Everything is silent as she stared blankly at the ceiling except for the tick tok of the wall clock and the sound of a car engine passing by every once in a while.

She thought of Lisa Manoban. She hasn't seen the girl in years. That annoying girl who loved to push her in puddles and pull on her hair. She remembered skinny arms that wrapped around her body as she was spun round and round while she screamed at Lisa to put her down. She remembered a wide smile with two front teeth missing pointed her way as Lisa teased her relentlessly.

God, it's all just coming back to her how she hated that annoying show off. She got Lisa good that one time though when the girl tried to steal her chocolate cookies back in kindergarten but she kicked Lisa's shin as hard as she could and ran away.

Jennie frowned and took a deep breath, she's gonna go home tomorrow and she's gonna convince her parents that she was not having any part of this circus.


This is an original story please do not plagiarise my work :)

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