Chapter 1

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It was a normal cloudy but nice day, the weather wasn't too hot or too was perfect! Two friends, Chloe and Lunara, were walking to their lockers to get their books and other stuff while talking about fanfics and other wonders.

"Lol that would be funny!" Lunara said turning the numbers on her lock to unlock her locker "Yeah." Chloe said not showing too much expression because of her blank eyes. Both of their locks then unlocked then they opened their lockers.

As they were grabbing books Lunara saw a paper wedged in between papers in one of her books "What's this?" She asked pulling the paper out.

Chloe walked over at looks over Lunara's shoulder "What is it?" She asked "A paper...." they stared at each other. Chloe groaned at Lunara's cockiness then snatched the paper.

"Club Phoenix invites you to participate in their club. In our club we bring drawings and stories to life. If you would like to join is meet us right after school at room A16 after school. Once you get to the door the password is Mystic. From, Club President Alexandra."

They turned to each other "Drawing and Stories? That sounds like a great club for us! And the name is just incredible!" Lunara exclaimed "I know! We were made for this!" Chloe said shoving her books into her bag.

"Well shall we go?" Chloe asked "HECK YEAH!" Lunara yelled making some of the students look over at them with confused stares. Chloe nervously smiled "Okay chill out let's just get to class.".

-After School-

"So...A16 right?" Lunara asked making Chloe look at the letter "Yep, and we have to say Mystic in order to let us in." Chloe said folding the paper and putting it in her bag. After a bit of searching, they found the doors to A16.

The two looked at each other then Lunara knocked on the door, they heard footsteps on the other side of the door "Password?" A female voice asked "umm...Mystic?" Chloe and Lunara said at the same time.

The door was opened by a dark blue haired girl with white devil horns resting on her head "Oh I see you got my letter. Come in and make yourself at home." The girl said then opened the door all the way to show the club room.

There was a lovely poster on the wall

"Wow who made that?" Chloe asked "Oh Belle did

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"Wow who made that?" Chloe asked "Oh Belle did." The blue chick pointed over to a girl sitting on the ground doodling on a book, her hair was brown and green and she was also a deer.

Lunara walked over to the girl "Hey, I like the poster you did!" She said making the girl jump "O-oh Thanks..." She said looking down nervous "Oh. Sorry didn't mean to upset your workflow." Lunara said "O-oh don't worry about it..." The girl stood up.

"I'm Belle..." she mumbled putting out her hand "My name's Lunara you precious bean!" Lunara took her hand and shook it. Belle blushed "Thank you..." she mumbled.

A brown cat walked over to Chloe "Hey, like your style. Name's Mars." He put out his hand "Chloe." Chloe shook hands with Mars "Like your outfit sugar." Mars winked "Mars all girls wear the same outfit, it's dress code." Alexandra said.

Mars cursed under his breath as Chloe just chuckled "Clumsy flirt?" She asked "The clumsiest flirt ever!" Alexandra laughed as Mars pouted "You try!" He yelled "Fine.".

"I like that you cover your eye, makes you look badass. And let me just say that's how I like my girls." Alexandra smirked as Mars groaned. Chloe chuckled "Well let me tell you this, you wouldn't like me on my bad side!" The two girls snickered as Mars continued his pouting.

They heard knocking at the door "Password?!" Alexandra yelled "Mystic!" The male voice behind the door "Oh it's just Tao." Alexandra walked over to the door "He's always late." Mars groaned crossing his arms. Alexandra opened the door to reveal a blonde boy with a blindfold over his eyes and a cute little flower crown.

"Sorry I'm late!...again..." Tao said holding his head down "It's fine, we have new members." Alexandra said making Tao's head lift up "I missed the arrival of the new members?!" Tao yelled grabbing his hair.

"Bruh you don't have to yell!" Mars said still slightly mad "It's okay Tao, you can still introduce yourself." Belle said "Oh yeah!" Tao walks over to Chloe and Lunara "Hi! I'm Tao! Nice to meet you!" Tao greeted putting both of his hands out.



The two take his hands and shake them "Well now that we have 6 members can we see the surprise?" Tao asked turning to Alexandra "Surprise?" Lunara asked "Yeah, I promised we would do something once we got two more members." she said then sighed.

"Okay this is a little activity, first we gotta make personas or Ocs for Steven Universe." She said "I LOVE STEVEN UNIVERSE! Chloe, Lunara, and Tao shouted at once then looked at eachother "We gonna be good friends.".

"I watch it every now and then." Belle said "Don't watch it but I pretty much know what it's about." Mars said leaning on the wall with his arms crossed "So we now what we're doing? Good. Let's get started."

-After a few minutes of drawing-

After everyone showed their drawings to each other Alexandra stood up "You guys ready?" she asked "Umm yeah?" Mars said clearly confused "Good." Alexandra put her arm out and out of nowhere a staff appears in her hand.

"Wow! So pretty!" there were stars in Belle's eyes making Alexandra smile "Don't worry this won't hurt one bit

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"Wow! So pretty!" there were stars in Belle's eyes making Alexandra smile "Don't worry this won't hurt one bit." she said as her staff began to glow brighter and brighter "Wait what?!" Chloe yelled grabbing onto Lunara.

"What's happening?!" Tao yelled as the room filled completely white "I'm getting very...tired...".


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