Waking Up From A Nightmare

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"Where are you Gilbert!" I scream, no response.

I am in a pitch black room, no windows, no air.

I feel as if I might choke,

I feel hands squeezing my neck.

"Gilbert!" I scream again.

This time someone answered.

"Gilbert does not wish to speak with you." A sweet but salty voice calls out to me.

"Ruby?" I whisper.

"Why did you kiss him?" She bellows in a menacing tone.

"I don't know why," I say, "whenever I look at him, my world stops."

"Dirty trash." Josie Pye's voice echoes through the black room.

I feel my neck burning.

I can't even see my self, only shadows.

"Please!" I plead, "I won't talk to him, ever!"

"Promise, me that you won't."

"But how can I not? He's simply a human being." I ask.

"Well, you can start talking to him, only once he's mine." The voice demands.

My neck starts to swell. I try to swallow, but there's a huge bulge inside my throat.

"He isn't an object!" I scream,

"He isn't an OBJECT!"
I wake up with a cold sweat, what just happened?

I bring my sweaty hands up to my neck, just a few seconds ago, I thought I was going to die. But, my neck feels fine..

I check my phone, it's 4:59 am.

I can't stay here anymore, I need to go outside.

I swiftly walk down the stairs and open the door, it opens ajar with a little creak. I head out and the sun is barely even up. I walk to the barn where belle is.

I pet her softly, she's still awake, just how I am too. "I wish life wasn't so hard." I whispered to myself. I walk inside the barn and go to the top. I sit down on the hay and start to think about what might happen today, one thing is, I won't be sitting near ruby or Diana. Second thing, I will defend myself against Josie Pye, I've gotten good at doing that. Third, get Gilbert of my mind. He keeps hovering through all my thoughts and it's annoying.

After all, Ruby has dibs.

She met him first, I'm pretty sure Gilbert liked Ruby,

Before I came along.

I sigh and start to close my eyes. I try bringing them back up, but it keeps weighing my eyelids down. I start to fall away to the magical place called dreaming.
Okay so that's only a few words... I just wanted to make that chapter short because why not, I have writers block. But I might going to upload tmrw, maybe I won't. Idk but please like and follow !

Word count : 444

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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