one: her

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One Year Ago…

     “I’m sorry but who are you?” he asked. You can honestly hear my heart break into a billion pieces. “Calum, this isn’t funny. I’m your best friend; Diane,” I explained to him. He still looks confused as ever. A lump was forming in throat and tears were trying to escape. My legs felt really wobbly and then my legs gave in and I collapsed on the floor.

     Hugging my knees, I started to rock back and forth. Sobs were escaping my lips and it filled the hospital room. I felt strong arms wrap around me. He let me cry into his shirt. He just rocked us back and forth. “Is she okay?” I heard Calum’s small voice ask.

     “Do you not remember her?” Luke replied back.

     “Should I?”

     My heart keeps breaking through every word. Ashton lifted me up and carried me outside to a chair. I continue on sobbing, while strangers were passing by. Finally, I calmed down. “Ashton, what happened? Why can’t he remember me?” I whispered hugging my knees.

      “The doctors say that he has selective amnesia,” he mumbled. Rage was building up in my chest. I thought they didn’t know. I know I have asked the question but I didn’t think they would already have the answer. “So why didn’t you tell once I woke up?! Why did you have to wait for me to find out?!” I stated, sitting up straight. Ashton looked down on his floor like it was the most interesting in the world. Slowly breathing in and out, I stood up.

     “Where are you going?” he asked standing up. 

     “I thought maybe after all the things that have happened this past few weeks I thought everything would have changed but I guess not. You guys always seem to leave me in the dark. Forget about me,” my back facing him.  

     “Diane, you know that’s not true. We just didn’t want you stressed out once you woke up,” he tried reasoning.

     “How did he end up in the hospital?”

     He didn’t reply. My rage started to build up more. I asked again and there was still no answer. I scoffed. “Don’t try finding because I’ll be long gone,” I started walking off but Ashton grabbed my wrist. I didn’t dare turn around and face him.

     “Diane please don’t do this. We need you right now especially Calum,” he pleaded.”

     “This is for the best Ashton. I might not know the reason for him being in the hospital but I have a pretty good feeling it is because of me. With me out of your guys hair then everything will be normal. Everyone will be happy and no one would end up in the hospital bed.”

     “So you are just going to walk away from us? Calum? Your best friend since you were kids?!”

     “I guess so. I’ll see you around.” With that said, I pulled my wrist out of his grip and walked away.

     “What happens if he remembers you? What happens if the boys want to know where you are? What if Calum wants to come looking for you? What should I tell him?”

     “Hm, I don’t know? Maybe the truth?!” I turned around yelling at him. I was walking backwards now. “Or you guys can make up a lie? Since you guys are really good at keeping things from each other.” 

    Turning back around, I walked away. I wasn’t only walking away from the boys but I was walking away from our friendship.

 A/N: So this is the complete Chapter 1. I know I said that I was going to release this in November but i have thought why not release it. So yeah. I'm starting to do something new. I need 10 votes and 5 comments on every chapter I post before i post the new chapter. I know it sounds like I'm thirsty but I want to know if I'm doing good. You don't have to vote if you didn't like it but you can comment on what I need improvement. You can comment anything; on how fantastic or horrible it is. Feedback would be amazing. Thanks babes. I love you 💕

Remembered » c.h [discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora