2- Class

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So there I was, placed on a wooden chair and a desk of the same, in a room with a single ceiling light and 10 desks, unaware of the importance we will have on society in 5 months; how we will change human history in a heist- with guns and hostages and shootings and killings. But for now, here I was, sat next to an eccentric, black-haired woman and behind a boy who I was certain I'd seen him beat others up in fights posted on the internet.

"Welcome everyone. Please call me the professor. I want to thank you all for accepting this job offer"
A laugh broke his train of thought, it came from in front of me. He pushed up his glasses and continued,
"We will live here, away from the worldly noise... for five months, five months we'll spend studying and learning how to do the job"
"What do you mean five months? Are you crazy or what?" A male's voice right at the front calls out
The professor takes a seat on the desk currently occupying the front of the classroom "look, people spend years just studying to earn a salary, and even in the best of cases, it's just a salary, a shitty salary. What's five months? I've been thinking about this for much longer. So I don't have to ever work again. And neither will you, or your children"
He pauses to survey the room before standing to his feet and circling behind his desk to the blackboard positioned there "Great. Currently you do not know each other yet and I want it to remain like that. Nobody will use their names, ask any personal questions; and of course, relationships are absolutely forbidden." Several sighs of disappointment entered the room.
"We will need to decide on a name to call each other; it could be numbers, planets, cities-"
"So like lord 17, miss 23-" the boy who previously disrupted the professor's train of thought spoke again
"No way. I cant even remember my phone number" the man in front said
"Well you can't even use one"
There was clearly a relationship already formed between these two, and looking at the age difference, it was a safe bet to say that the one closest to the front was the other boy's father.
"So planets. I'll be Mars, he's Uranus-" the boy behind me said to the boy in front.
"I'm not Uranus, so forget it"
"What's wrong with uranus?"
"It's an asshole"
"Ok, so not planets. It'll be cities" said the professor, breaking up the argument that was about to occur. I looked at the girl next to me and we both lost it, laughing more than we had done in a while. I could tell a strong friendship with her was beginning to form.
"Ok cities" the boy in front said.

And that's how I started calling myself London: the city I had spent the majority of my adult life in and learned to love.
After class, I stayed for a minute or two. I wanted to ask the professor why he picked me instead of another genius twice the speed in hacking as I.
"Well, even if you don't admit it yourself, London, you know your way around a computer way better than anyone else here."
"But why me and not someone who can do the job quicker?"
He went quiet. Maybe silence was the only answer I actually needed; the realisation of why he really picked me and not someone better suited to the job. Yet, just like us wearing the Dalí mask and red jump suits, he covered his cloud of thought with a mask. He pushed his glasses up but didn't look into my eyes.
"You were the most willing to do it"
And maybe he just said this because of his bullshit rule about no relationships, but you could tell that this wasn't the only reason, merely a reflection of an even bigger and greater reason for why it was me.
I walked out, smirking.

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