Chapter 6: Home transfer

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Groups of thousands of people walked toward the entrance of my camp. Alex tuned to look at her home with tears about to come out her eyes. She quickly wiped her eyes trying to keep her image of her people. "Alex its okay you'll come back to it but now it is not safe here" I said trying to comfort her. "When I find that traitor I will kill that bastard when I find him" Alex said with venom in her tone. "Yeah I know you will and I will help you find this person" I told her. We walked for about twenty minutes till we found the camp entrance.

"Mikael, why did you put your stupid camp underground" Alex said irritated off all of the walking.

"Yeah, then tell me why is your home on top of a damn mountain" I shouted at her from under her. (She is wearing jeans, and I am not perverted)

"Good point, tell me, where will we live" she asked.

"It houses, DUHH" I told her what I get is a kick right in the head. I just kept climbing down knowing if I kept talking there was more pain coming my way. When we finally reached the bottom. They stood in awe the same way we did when we first found this place. They split up and picked out the empty houses, soon almost all the houses were filled. I walked around checking if everyone was settled in when I ran into Alexandria.

"So what this is the house you picked out" I said with a plain tone her house was black yeah something you expect from Alex. "What, I choose this house" she said.

"Let me guess this was the only house left" I said.

"Mikael, Shut up just to let you know I was the one who picked this house" Alex said.

"This, is why we don't let you have the option to choose" I said.

She went up to me and gave me a shove. "Ha, I expected more from you" I said.

"I haven't even started" she said while she brought out an AK-47.

Oh crap I thought while I started running. She chased me for almost an hour, but damn she can run I can barely run a thousand miles but here she is practically running fifty- million with fire in her eyes. My thought were how do I ditch her, when she punched my gut I was snapped out of my thinking "Got you" she said.

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