Chapter 2

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The league of villains. A group of some of the most dangerous people in the country. We've had a few run-ins with them while training. Our teachers were always there though, and we always got out okay; well except for the time they kidnapped Kacchan. That was a recent event. We're supposed to move into dorms in a few weeks; the teachers say it's to protect us from more dangers like the league. I guess they had a point because here I am, tied up in what I assume is their base.
They haven't spoken much to me. They've mostly just whispered amongst themselves while glancing up at me every so often. I don't pay much attention to what they might be whispering about, I'm looking around the room trying to find an escape. 'I wonder if this is what happened to Kachan?'  Before I got too lost in thought about Kacchan, the league turned towards me; seaming as though they had something to say. "Izuku~" My attention focusses on Toga. "We have a very important question to ask you~" What could they have to ask me? "Toga, let the adults ask the questions," Dabi says in a monotone. Toga crosses her arms and huffs. "Anyway, after watching you for a couple of weeks we've come to a conclusion," Shigaraki and Dabi look at each other before turning back to me. "We know that you aren't treated fairly and that you work harder than anyone we've seen before." Shigaraki picks up from where Dabi left off, "What we're trying to say is, with training and a bit of time... we think you'd make a perfect addition to the league of villains." The... the league of villains... want me, a hero in training, to... join them. I open my mouth to immediately say no, but... I hesitate. WHY AM I HESITATING? The words just won't form properly. I'm left looking like a fish with my mouth gaping. Dabi speaks up, "You don't have to agree, but... we'd treat you fairly, we'd treat you like family. I know we don't look like much, but we have a serious bond. so please, consider it."


That stupid nerd. That stupid, adorable, nerd. I know, 'why would Katsuki Bakugou fall for the one he bullied in middle school?'  When we were younger, before I got my quirk, we were as close as could be. I remember taking him to a bunch of cool places just so that I could see him smile. I'm not one hundred percent sure what happened between us, but I think I can take a guess. After getting my quirk, my ego shot through the roof. I only ever thought that I was better than everyone. I guess I still kind of do. The look on Izukus face the first time I ever yelled at  him, it's been haunting me for so long now. He looked betrayed and his eyes were so full of sadness. It was like, the beautiful emerald green eyes were dulling by the second; filling with tears. All because of me.


Before me, lays a teary-eyed, muddied and betrayed, Izuku Midoryia. Everyone at school was talking about how he was the only one without a quirk, and how he would never become a hero. Up until this point, I had tried my best to keep his spirits high, while also trying to keep my standards as the 'cool' kid at school. Today, I just broke. I had to choose between my ego and my bestest friend in the world. Let's just say I made the wrong decision, but I didn't notice until I had already done something I know I'm going to regret.
Izuku was following me around like he normally did at school. People were being extra mean today, calling him names and telling him that he'd never be a hero. I, of course, did nothing. Just watching from the sides while he got treated like dirt. I guess everyone's words got to me today.
Izuku was rambling on about something, probably heroes, too quiet for me to hear. My walking pace quickened as I tried to get away from him, but he just kept following me. I then started to run. He had a look of confusion on his face before he ran after me. I stopped by the swings with him running up not long after. He caught his breath and looked back up to me, "Why are you running Kacchan? Is something wrong?" His tone is so pure and innocent. My ego or my best friend. My ego or my best friend. My ego or my best friend... "Don't you get it you stupid DEKU?! I don't WANT to be seen with someone who doesn't have a quirk!" As soon as the words left my mouth, his face dropped. His eyes glossed over and his breath became shakey. "You don't really mean that Kacchan. You're j-just mad at s-something... r-right?"
He took an unsteady step towards me and that's when I made a terrible decision. I pushed him, hard, into a mud puddle. He fell with a thud and a splash. Mud everywhere on him. Even in his soft, green, messy hair. He stays sitting for a moment before he looks back up at me with an expression I've never seen him wear before. Betrayal. Pure and udder betrayal flow through his beautiful teary eyes. Now here I am. Staring at the boy that I've been through everything with; sitting in a muddy puddle, tears streaming down his red freckled cheeks. I did this. I hurt him. If I were anywhere else, I would have helped him up, apologized, hugged him, something to bring back that oh-so beautiful smile. But no, I'm in the schoolyard and children have already surrounded us to laugh at the muddy boy. Just as quickly as I pushed him into the mud, I walk away. Leaving him to cry in his now dirty clothes, surrounded by more kids that just want to laugh at his every fault. I think I just lost my best friend today.


That was the day that I gave him that dreadful name, 'Deku.' It was also the day that I lost my best friend. I chose my stupid ego over the person I cared for the most in this world. And for what? To be seen as strong? I can now see, that wasn't strength, that was my weakness. I decided that I needed to start over. I had made a plan to get my best friend back. Though, I may have accidentally fallen in love instead.
Seeing him today, when we travelled home together, he looked happy. I miss that. His beautiful smile that's so intoxicating that sometimes I can't help but smile myself. I wish that he would smile at me, not cower away in fear that I might hurt him once again. I don't want to hurt him anymore. I don't care about my stupidly large ego, or about what people might think of me. I'm going to do whatever I can to see that smile of his again. Even if he doesn't share the same feelings as I do, as long as he's happy, I'll be satisfied.
I arrive home, the old hag and old man seem to still be at work because I'm not greeted with the usual screaming of my mother. Even if it seems like my mother and I don't get along well, I love her very much. Her and my father are right up there with Deku. I head up to my room to do some homework and hopefully catch up on an anime I've been watching afterwards. Most people don't take me as the 'anime type,' but I'm really fascinated with the art that goes into making them. I don't draw too much, but I try my best to get a little practice in every once in a while. When we were younger, Izuku would always praise me for my drawings and tell me how amazing I was. He was pretty good himself, I wonder if he ever kept drawing?
Before my thoughts can be completely over-run with that nerd, the old hag bursts through my door. I'm about to yell at her, but I stop with my mouth open like an idiot. The look on her face shows complete and udder worry. I've only ever seen her with that face once before, when I first got my quirk and I always accidentally got hurt over using it. "Izuku never made it home," He what... I walked home with him, he should be fine! I knew I should have walked him all the way home! Oh my god I'm such an idiot.
"Katsuki, are you okay?!" I didn't realize until now, but I've spaced out and my face shows undeniable shock and worry. "I-I walked with him. He should be fine. HE SHOULD BE OKAY!" I'm so frustrated. Why didn't i walk him home!? Abruptly, I jolt up from my sitting position and run out the door. "Where are you going?!" I rush to put on my shoes thing my laces as fats as I could and rush out the door while answering my mother, "I NEED TO FIND HIM!"
I run to the fork in the road where we parted ways. Taking a left instead of right, I take the steps that Izuku would have to get home. I don't see anything unusual until about two or so more minutes of walking. On the sidewalk, lies that stupid notebook. He doesn't go anywhere without that thing, he would most likely be holding it or have it safe in his bag, so it not likely that he would have misplaced it. I look around that one spot to see if I can find anything else that might lead me to his disappearance. I can see his school back in a bush on the side, like somebody was trying to hide it. 'Izuku, what happened?'

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