The Next Day

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I met up with Alec at the school me and him couldn't keep our eyes off each other. We go over to my locker I open it to find a bear with a note, two bars of chocolate and his hoodie borrowed yesterday. I wrap my arms around him for a big embracing hug he was the cutest guy ever. ''You like it?''
''Yeah I love it'' I give him a kiss on his cheek
I open the note it has the lyrics to the song he wrote for me I put all the stuff in my bag and Alec puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk to class.
''You not going to put the hoodie on pumpkin'' he says
''Oh Yeah em sorry Alec''
I pull the hoodie out of my bad he called me pumpkin I can't breath how cute.
''First period ugh I hate math'' Alec says looking fed up
''Hey at least we can sit together'' I say giving him a small kiss
''Thats true'' he kisses me back
We hug before going into the hell that is maths first period. In maths he is drawing again I try to look over but he hides it from me this makes me concerned and confused but hey I know he's not cheating.

Alec's POV
I'm bored in maths so I start drawing a picture of Y/N he tries to look so I hide it it's a surprise for her at the end of the day I close my eyes thinking about how I want to hold Y/N forever and how I want us to work out

He's got his eyes closed this is an opportunity to look at what's he's drawing. I take the book from around his hand and look at the page it's a drawing of what seems to resembles me Awh how cute I thought, I put it back before he noticed ''Alec are you alive'' I say tapping him on his head
''Huh yeah sugar I'm a alive''
''What's with the pet names''
''I don't know you are just my pumpkin and sugar''
I hear the bell for 2nd period
''We should get going''
''Yeah we should''
''Want to go to mine after school again''
''How about we go to mine'' Alec replies
''Ok fun''

Quiet Kid Alec Benjamin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now