Chapter 2

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It had been at least a month since the incident with Louis Tomlinson. I was still hurting, but no one knew why. If my parents ever found out I lost my v card they would murder me.

Louis hasn't even tried to speak to me. He just hung around with Zayn and Harry, playing his stupid little games--teasing girls, getting on people's nerves and flirting up a fucking storm. He ignored my existence basically.

I can't tell you how much I wanted to ruin his reputation. I wanted to scream from the rooftops just how awful Louis was. Granted it takes 'two to tango' so to speak but still.

I changed a lot after the thing with Louis. I kind of never talked to anyone anymore. All my friends left me because they said I was acting strange. I just wanted someone to hold me and tell me everything would be okay.

Then one day everything changed.


I was sitting by myself as usual. My black beanie covered my hair and my ear buds were in and playing People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson. I heard someone slap their hands down hard on the table and I looked up to see an all too familiar set of blue green eyes.

Louis Tomlinson.

"Hey princess." He smirked. Enjoying your food?" He asked. I looked down refusing to say anything. He slapped the table again making me jump. "I'm talking to you slut!" He yelled. I felt my bottom lip begin to tremble and I sank further back into my chair. The entire room looked at me and I could hear people starting to whisper.. Louis smirked at me. "Do you ever think about that one night, Reagan?" He giggled. "I don't. Wanna know why? Cuz you ain't worth remembering!" He turned and walked away and i felt tears prickle my eyes as I got up and throw my garbage away.


I walked with my shoulders hunched toward the bus but suddenly I felt hands shove my back and I fell. The entire yard burst into laughter and I stayed on the ground. Louis came into my view laughing with Zayn and Harry following.

"What a clumsy bitch!" Louis laughed. "Come on slut--get up!" He ordered. "You're a little slut and sluts do as their told!" Harry and Zayn said nothing, just bit their lips and stared at the ground. Louis kicked at me and I yelped. "Shut up! Sluts who have sex in dance halls with a guy they just met dont deserve to talk!" Louis laughed. Zayn suddenly tapped Louis shoulder.

"Louis, come on mate. Leave her alone. You've already done enough damage."

"I don't believe anyone asked you Malik!" Louis shoved Zayn back. Harry grabbed his arm.

"Louis calm down or you know what will happen!" The younger boy's interruption had given me just enough time to scramble onto the bus. I looked out the window and Louis saw me. He started swearing and carrying on and he turned and punched Harry. Hard. I gasped and sunk down in my seat. 'All he did was help me...'


The next day I was eating lunch by myself as usual when someone slapped their plate down next to me. I jumped and looked up. Harry Styles sat down next to me, sorting a huge bruise on his cheek and a bloody lip. I gasped. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Louis." He muttered wincing slightly at the pain. I bit my lip and looked down. Harry glanced over at me. "Reagan you gotta understand...Lou can't help some of the things he does. Please. You've gotta just hear him out."

I nodded and shifted slightly away from him. He noticed. "Hey hey hey, I'm not going to hurt you." He said gently. "Look I feel bad about what Louis did to you. Really. I'm sorry. He beat me up cuz i tried to talk to him about it!" I bit my lip and looked up.

"I can't." I whispered. "Louis broke me. I can't trust anyone anymore. I'm so sorry." I got up and hurried off leaving Harry there alone.



"So does she hate me?" Louis asked impatiently. Zayn shrugged and leaned back on the bed.

"Sure seems like it mate. Seriously though... What the fuck were you thinking yesterday afternoon? I've told you a million times--you can't beat up the girl you like!"

"I'm know I can't help it." Louis muttered, rubbing his fist gently.

"Mate we all know about your problem." Zayn said gently. "But you can't use that as an excuse. Do you even remember what you did to Harry's face?" Louis whimpered and nodded. "Lou, you need help."

"No!" Louis yelled standing up fast. "I'm not going back there! You can't make me!"

"Louis it's the only way." Zayn tried. Louis started to hyperventilate.

"No no no. Can't go back there...down with the poking and the prodding and pills and medicines and nurses and doctors and everything white white white!"

"Louis calm down--" Zayn said, his voice shaking slightly, getting up and sliding off the bed. But it was too late. Louis eyes were dark with rage and he howled angrily as he flipped his desk.

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GO BACK THERE!" He screamed. Zayn pressed his back up against the wall and shrunk away from him.

" need know you can't keep taking it out on Reagan...on Haz...on me."


"No mate I'm trying to help you." Zayn insisted, sliding along the wall trying to find the door handle. His fingers closed around it and he slowly turned it. Louis threw his lamp against the wall, shattering it into a million pieces.


Zayn flung the door open and ran out side, stumbling down the stairs and outside. He could still hear Louis ranting and raving inside while his mum tried to calm him down. He shook his head slightly and slid his phone out of his pocket, dialing a familiar number.

"Hey it's me, I know you're not in right now but I want you to know.... Lou isn't doing well. Yeah no, he threw a lamp at my head today. This girl set him off... he really talked like he liked her for the longest time...and then a couple months ago he started bad talking her...then he hooked up with her at a class he was taking. She found out that he just wanted to get in her pants and she flipped, and Louis hasn't been the same since. Doctor he needs help. Thanks. I'll call you again tomorrow." Zayn hung up and looke up at Louis house where he could still see his friend railing, then he shook his head, turned and walked away.

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