Chapter 5

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Reagan's POV

Louis hadnt spoken to me since I guess. I was scared of him--and rightly so. Rumor had it that Louis had gotten so angry that he punched through a wall. The only one that didnt seem nervous around him was Zayn...but he never felt nervous about anyone.

Zayn started hanging around Louis again and not so much with me. Harry stuck with me though, almost seeming to protect me. I never knew why though...I didn't think I needed protection.


We were eating lunch one day when we heard screaming. Louis was flipping out in the corner, screaming angrily at Zayn. Zayn was sitting quietly but I could see his brown eyes were frightened. Harry stood up and Louis stopped his rant and glared at Harry. "You." He growled.

"Me." Harry said back firmly. "Leave him alone Louis. You're not well." He pushed me behind him but Louis had already seen me.

"Ohhh." He said walking slowly toward us. "I see. My former best friend has taken matters into his own hands. Well let me tell you something....she's mine, not yours."

"You don't deserve her!" Harry bellowed.

"You don't either!' Louis screamed as he punched widely at Harry. The two boys went at it, exchanging punches. I screamed.

"Louis! Harry! Stop!" They ignored me and kept fighting. Literally the entire population of the cafeteria was watching. I lunged forward and latched into Louis' arm. "GET OFF HIM!" I yell.

At my touch Louis immediately stilled dropping the front of Harry's shirt. Harry fell, panting. Louis turned as for a second his eyes looked so perfectly blue. Time seemed to stop as I stared up at him. His face softened and just for a second, i saw a shadow of the boy that i gave my virginity to in the dance studio. Then that second ended and an icy mask returned to his face. He shoved away and stalked through the crowd but I wouldn't soon forget that look.


After school I was going through the shortcut behind the building when I heard someone moving around again. I looked up, and there was Louis Tomlinson. He was huddled up under the bleachers, his jacket wrapped tightly around his shoulders. He dug around in the paper bag he held--it looked like the lunch bags we got from the cafeteria to carry out extra food in. He pulled out a sandwich and started nibbling at it. Sandwiches were only a dollar--one of the cheapest things on the menu. My heart broke for him when I realized that must be all he could afford.
I watched as he finished off the sandwich then scooted farther back under the bleachers. He shivered and curled up, trying to keep warm. I watched him for a little while longer, then sneaked past and hurried on.

The next time I went to school, I made some soup in the early morning. When I saw him leave his little house under the bleachers, I set the bowl of soup under there with a thermos of hot chocolate, both the food and drink still steaming. I hid by the Dumpster as he came back. He saw the container and looked around, his eyes narrowed. Perhaps he thought it was a trick or a prank. He crawled under the bleachers and opened the container. His eyes widened and he looked around again before starting to eat. I'd never seen anyone eat anything so fast before in my life.

Every day after that, I would bring something--whether it was soup, a sub from Subway, a gift card to Starbucks, a coupon for free food at Costo, I always found something to give to him. I even snuck some of my brothers old clothes out and placed them in his sleeping area so he had more clothes to change into. It felt good giving him those a way i felt I was taking care of him.

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