Word One

11 2 6

There's a word they call me

mostly behind my back

only once to my face

it's whispered whenever

I step up instead of being stepped on

when I open my mouth to verbalize

thoughts that just don't resonate

it's okay that we can't relate

no one says we have to

but I have a past too

just because my experiences

aren't your experiences

doesn't mean I didn't experience it

This word is whispered when

I'd rather have this than that

Despite your not so suggested suggestions

God forbid I decide my own shit

Word one

Your go to

because society says her too

All for one

One for all

They're the same

race, religion, success be damned

society says I'm a bitch

So you do too

Excuse me?

Did you just call me a...

wait don't answer

Sure I heard right

I'm a bitch

Because I can only play a card if it's yours, right?

-Mikela Bacon

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