Chapter 1

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My name is april holiday, i am 16 with natural white hair with one light blue eye and one light green eye, i am 4'7" i am the runt of the pack. I live with my mum, dad and brother. Mum and dad are the alphas and my brother is the next in line, we are werewolves, our pack is the mid-night pack

I woke up and crawled out of bed sighing, i walked over to the bathroom and had a cold shower, as i am not aloud hot showers, once showered i got dress in skinny jeans and a old white top that looks gray.

I walked out of my room -basement- and made my way upstairs, i walked into the kitchen and seen my brother Kyle and his mate mel. i opened the fridge and got out a chocolate chip muffin "what is that?" Kyle growled "it. is a. muffin." i made it as clear as i could

He growled "why are you eating it your already fat" mel commented "at lest i'm not a slut who had sex with a certain someone" i smirked and took a bite of my muffin and walked off.

The family photos consist of my brother-the asshole- my mother-the bitch who thinks she owns me- and my father-the one who just sits back and watches all the pack hurt me- oh and some with mel-the one who sleeps with teachers to pass a class- my great family

Mel walked out of the kitchen "you know, i feel sorry for your mate" she laughed "why, because i'm not slut, mean, a bitch, or that i am independent.... i should feel sorry for my brother seeing that you had sex with the beta less then a week ago"

She laughed as the door bell rang, i skipped towards the door and opened it "pappa" i yelled when i seen him and gran at the door i jumped up into his arm and hugged him "hey little april" he smiled and hugged me back "i'm not little i'm big" i whined showing off my muscles him and gran laughed.

I gave gran a hug and a kiss "i missed you both" i smiled then frowned as i seen my brother near "april leave them alone, and how dear you touch the olders" he growled i lowered my head and muttered a sorry "how dear you tell april she can not hug us, you selfish asshole" pappa hissed

Gran grabbed my hand and took me to my room "pack your bags, dear we are leaving" i nodded and got out my old gym bag and started to put my cloths, toys, book in the bag "done" i muttered as i put the bag over my sholder

We walked back to pappa who was yelling at mum and dad "she is an alpha, just as much as fact she is a way better alpha the kyle" pappa growled "she is a runt, she is unfit for alpha she hasnt even shifted yet" mum yelled.

I zoned out when i heard someone or something talking in my mind 'we are leaving, i can finally shift' the voice cheered 'who are you?' i asked confused 'im your wolf, i chose not to shift as the pack would not be happy with me and names yin' yin spoke with pride.

I nodded then went pack to the convocation that my family where having "-no right to be here" i seen pop was sitting on the sofa he stood up "your right, thats why she is living with is now, we will have nothing to do with this pack or any of you again" he pointed to my dad "we raised you better but seeing as you all hate your own flesh and blood you are all out of the will..... come along april" pop grabbed my hand and we walked to the car.

Pop took my bags and put them in the car "dad you can take us out of the will" dad yelled as he ran out the door "i can and i have" pop snarled as he hopped in the car "april, good luck" kyle said in a sad tone "any where is better then here" i sighed and hopped in the car as we drove off

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