Chapter 5

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After hours of training i was puffing and panting, sweating i collapsed on the grass Fred walked up to me and handed my a bottle of water "just pour it on me" he laughed and did as i said.

Sighing i looked up "now i need the a drink, maybe a bath, some icecream" Fred laughed and helped me up "ahhhh it burns, what did you do to me" i yelled as my legs gave way "this is what happens when you train, your muscles will hurt but after a few days but we keep training they will be stronger"

Nodding i started to walk towards the house when i fell to the ground screaming, i heard Fred yell my name "she is shifting" my bones snapped and popped as they rearranged into their new place. At the end of the pain i opened my eyes, i seen the alpha starring at me "she is a rear wolf"

I tilted my head "your white, your wolf is powerful no wonder your wolf didn't let you shift, if a white wolf fills threatened in her pack or where she lives she will not shift till she felt safe which, she must do since you shifted" James explained.

Shifting back i had a towel thrown at me wrapping the towel around my body, i sniffed the air and smelt the most mouth-watering scent it smelt like apple and cinnamon. 'MATE' a voice yelled in my head 'who are you' i snapped 'i am your wolf names yin, remember' she answered 'oh, right hello' i cut the link after that

Once in side i grabbed some random clothing and put them on. I started to follow the scent, it lead to jake's room i nocked on the door, i could hear some shuffling behind the door, jake opened the door.

This was the first time i seen his face his black hair hung over his eyes a bit, he had ocean blue eyes, i couldn't help but stare at his eye 'mate, he is our mate' star howled, my eyes widened "mate" i whispered.

He started to laugh 'why is he laughing' i asked star 'i don't know' i tilted my head "i am not your mate" both me and star whimper "y....yes are" he shook his head and shut the door, i started to cry as i ran away from his room.

As i ran down the stairs about half way i tripped, i yelped as i fell down i heard a snap but didn't care i couldn't move my right leg, i yelled out for james he ran from upstairs "omg april you ok?" i sniffled "i can't move my right leg"

He walked down stairs i yelped as he picked me up ad started to walk outside "where are we going?" i asked "we are going to the pack doctor" i nodded and rested my head on his chest.

James placed me on the hospital bed we door opened "hello alpha, what can i help you with?" the doctor asked "hello, max will you be able to look after april here, call me when she is ready" max nodded and walked over to me as james left.

After a while of getting questions asked, being poked with needles, and test after test, my leg is fine now and im free to go, i walked out side and waited for james, i was also given iron tables as mac said i had low iron in my blood.

That after noon i moved into my grans house, we set up my room, the bed was white as snow and the floor was a dark brown, the walls a light gray, gran and i are going shopping tomorrow for some cloths and other things. i haven't told anyone that my mate kinda rejected me, star whimpers in the back of my mind calling for her mate.

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