Chapter two

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Song: She Wolf by David Guetta feat. Sia

25th May, 2017
Ontario, Canada

I roll over and snuggle against Adam as the sun shines through the curtains and begins to wake me up.

I can feel the slight ache between my legs from last night but that just reminds me how good the sex was. I feel a hand travel down my spine making me humm in delight.

"Morning beautiful" Adams husky voice says.

I open my eyes and make contact with forest green.

"Morning Handsome" I smile up at the love of my life.

He keeps caressing my back in a loving way as we smile at each other.

"I love you" I giggle.

His smile widens as he leans to kiss me.

"I love you more" he rebuts, his two adorable dimples shining brighter than the sun.

"Last night was perfect. Thank you" I say as I lean on his strong chest.

"Baby, thank you, that thing you did with you hips. I had no idea that was even possible" he laughs.

I blush and hide my face in his chest.

I muffle a thank you as his chest vibrates from him laughing.

"I need to get ready baby" I sigh as I look up at the man that holds my heart.

He looks down at me and caresses my dark blonde hair.

"You're my dream girl you know that?" Adam asks, to which I laugh again and nod my head before leaving the bed and walking to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and dress into my running gear, my body already starting to run off adrenaline as it know what day it is.

"Hey baby, I'm about to head out" I call as I grab my water bottle from my bag.

"You want me to come with you? I don't like you going to the forest alone all the time" Adam asks.

"No it's alright, you have to go to the orphanage today anyway. I'll be fine, It's not my first rodeo" I say and walk over to him.

"Okay, but call me when you get there and when you leave so I know your alright" Adam says as he kisses my forehead.

"Yeah, will do baby" I say as I grab my keys and take the elevator to the parking lot.

Entering my bug  I start her old engine before beginning my journey to my oasis.


I leave my car and prepare myself for the thrill of running in the wild. My muscles relax one by one as I start to stretch my tight body.

The forest hums with life and I take a moment to soak in the calming energy produced by the fresh scents from the wild. I lift my face to the sky and close my eyes, loving the warmth radiating from the yellow ball of happiness that is beaming down from the heavens.

If I strain my ears enough I can hear squirrels scurrying on the thick brown branches from the noble and majestic pine trees. The soft breeze brushes against the pine needles creating a rustling symphony of noise.

Birds sing in the distance as they search for humming insects and small woodland creatures stealthily root themselves in the underbrush, hiding from their predators.

I open my eyes and smile up to the gods. Even though the full moon is not the center of attention in the big blue sky, the faint white rock still makes its presence known. The moon has always given me a sense of serenity and love.

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