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1. Thing you can not leave the house without? My shoes?

2. Favourite makeup brand? I only use lip products so um Huda Beauty?

3. Favourite flower? Rose

4. Favourite clothing store? H&M and Splash

5. Favourite Perfume? Pixie dust

6. Heels or Flats? Both

7. Do you get good grades? I mean I didn't get this years grade yet but the previous years I got all A's (one B :c) so yes-

8. Favourite colour? Blue and Red

9. Do you drink energy drinks? I have never drank a energy drink in my whole life-

10. Do you drink juice? Yessss, I love juice!

11. Do you like swimming? Yes but I can't swim-

12. Do you eat fries with a fork? Of course not

13. Favourite moisturiser? Vaseline

14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
Never ever (by got7-)

15. Do you get mad easily? Not really

16. Are you into ghost hunting? I mean it seems interesting but I have never tried it.

17. Any phobias? Flying insects, Clowns, Darkness, Being alone.

18. Do you bite your nails? No

19. Have you ever had a near death experience?

1) My mother had just withdrawed all the money from her bank because she was getting it closed after that we were going back home. Suddenly some people came in front of the car and stopped the car. (It was like a really deserted place) they started demanding money and then one of the man was like take the small girl (the girl is me lol. I was like months old that time) but my mother was like no no no and she gave them all the money and they left-

2) When I was like 2 or 3 years old, we went to a beach (it was in another country, Riyadh doesn't have a beach :c) so I ran to like the sea front and a wave came and I almost got drowned but luckily my mom saw me and quickly grabbed me oof.

3) I have also almost gotten hit by a car when I was 7-

4) I also almost swallowed a plastic leaf-

20. Do you drink coffee? I don't like coffee but I drink it sometimes.


(I just tagged you all beacuse I want you to read this- you don't have to do the tag)

Anyone reading this can do the tag if they want ^^

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