Did dinosaurs actually exist? - Tag [x]

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I was tagged by -CHERRYSUNG !

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I was tagged by -CHERRYSUNG !

1) I can speak four languages (including arabic even though i am not completely fluent-)

2) I have never fainted, caught a flu or fractured a bone in my whole life

3) I started speaking at the age of nine months and walking at the age of eight months

4) I became a kpop fan on 12th February, 2017 and the first kpop mv I watched was bts' bst

5) I wanted to become a artist when I was 4-5 years old

6) My real name apparently means "good news" or "most perfect" in arabic 💀

7) I got both my ears pierced at the age of five

8) None of my cousins are my age (they all boomers like my eldest cousin's eldest son is my age 🤡)

9) I was born in Saudi Arabia and have been living here since then- (saudi arabia is a asian country in the middle east if you didn't know💀)

10) I have two moles on my face, one above my lips on the right side (having a mole there is considered "attractive" but nothing about me is attractive lmao-) and the other is below my right cheek bone

11) Both my parents are asian but they are from different countries

12) I don't get cold easily and I almost never wear a jacket going outside during winters (except the times my mother forces me-) and I open the AC even when the temperature drops below zero degree celcius (it rarely happens in the city I live in though, last time it happened was in 2016)

13) The first time I developed a crush was on a girl (the girl was my best friend-) and i was in 8th grade that time, i never had crush on anyone before that but now i have multiple crushes and i still have a crush on my best friend, helP- (a reason why i probably never had a crush on a boy even though i am bi is because i mostly develop crushes on people because of there sense of humour and since i go to a all girls school, i rarely see a male human being so-)

Tags !

(I am sorry to everyone I tagged, you don't have to do it if you don't want to!)

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