We're holding on

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That was two months ago. My life seems to have hit this sort of imaginary wall. I squint my eyes open, greeted by the harsh neon lights of the hospital room. Her bracelet had rubbed against my nose leaving a slight indent on the bridge.
"Mr. Styles, I told you, you can't stay here overnight again," the nurse chimed. God it was too early for her fake happiness. At least she was easy viewing.
"Hey Callie," I try my best to smile at her.
"I know you love her but you really can't stay overnight. I got in trouble last time I let this happen."
"But then by the time I got here you would be gone."
She blushes a bit before turning to check her vitals. They were the same as usual. Nothing has changed since the day we brought her in. Callie walks out and I stand up to follow her.
"Callie," she stops and turns around.
"Yes Harry," she habitually tucks a strand of blonde hair beyond her ear.
"Do we know," she cuts me off.
"Look I told you yesterday, we have no idea what's going on inside her. There's no reason she shouldn't be waking up. She's just not. I'm so sorry," she reach out and touches my arm.
It shouldn't have calmed me down. It shouldn't have made it easier for me to breathe, but it did. It had been nothing but a whirlwind of emotion since my wedding day and in this very moment I felt drained. I had spent days and nights crying and praying and hoping she would wake up. I needed her to wake up. Now, here we are two months later with no more answers than the day this nightmare began and I have no more fight to give.
"Can I buy you a coffee," I ask Callie.
"I'm not sure that's such a good idea," she warns.
"No. No. Not like that. I just want to thank you. You've been the only one who's advocated for her and stayed strong for her. I owe you something," I say.
"If it's only that, I'd love to have coffee with you," she giggles a bit.
We walked and talked all the way across the street and into that Starbucks and all I could think is this is the only time I've felt alive since I proposed. Finally someone was helping to numb the pain.

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