Chapter 4

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Once Aziawa got done with role call the told the class about the 'essay' and they went outside.

When they got outside he explained about what they were doing. "So today instead of doing paper or talking we'll be having this test if you fail you get expelled" everyone got serious when he said that everyone but a few people.

"They actually think he's gonna expell is?" Lily asked herself in her mind. After the exam and Midoryia getting his finger broken everyone went back to the classroom and talked to eachother.

Noah's P.O.V

HA! Almost the entire class thought we were getting expelled if we failed that exam. It was funny to see their faces to be honest. I talked to Lily and Shadow in the back talking about the exam and our thoughts on Mr.Azaiwa.

"I actually think he's a pretty nice teacher despite him being all....grumpy or something" Lily said. Shadow agreed and so did I.

Lily then looked over at a blond spiked hair boy. "He looks familiar...." she said. Me and Shadow looked at him. "Isn't his name Katsuki Bakugo? The guy that had that goo vallain attacking him?" I said. Shadow nodded. "Yeah I think he is" she said.

Hm I wonder why Lily got to his attention I know it's just not because of the attack....

I'm sorry it was horrible;w;

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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