Chapter 20

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The first thing he noticed was that he was dreaming, at least he thought so, he was by the RiverClan border, and did not remember waking. The overpowering stench of RiverClan flooded around him, and he could swear he smelled... something a little sweeter... heather, he realized. It was not often that he caught that scent, the scent of the moor, it was WindClan, he recognized the wild smell of moor grass and hazel that the swift cats carried.
The two scents grew stronger and stronger, clouding his thoughts and overpowering his senses. Foxflame wrinkled his nose with disgust from the tidal wave of scents, which threatened to wash him away. He turned away from the border, retreating further into his territory to break away from the stench, but even as he continued deeper into his territory, the scent did not fade. Foxflame's heart began to beat louder in his ears as he quickened his pace to escape the scent, hissing in frustration, "Why can I not escape that fishy stench!"
"Surely it's not all that bad?" A soft meow sounded behind him, he turned to face a hazel-colored she-cat, she had bright and friendly green eyes, and long smooth fur, glowing softly with starlight. "I am Dawnsplash, I walked this forest as a RiverClan cat long ago, but my clan has not forgiven, they believe that ThunderClan has wronged them to many times."
Foxflame blinked slowly, "All we have done is fight for our territory though."
She nodded grimly, "Indeed, but RiverClan is a proud race, they do not want to give up, do not judge them to harshly, every clan can be misguided by pride, just be prepared Foxflame." Her meow faded quieter as she finished, the forest around him beginning to fade away.
"Wait, what do I have to be prepared for?" Foxflame called desperately, but the she-cat was already gone, her lime green eyes flashing for a heartbeat before disappearing as well, leaving him in a chocking blackness. He searched desperately for something, anything, terror gripping his heart with icy claws as a wail split the air. His eyes flew open at the sound, dawn light filtering into the warriors den.
The den was already half empty, the warriors still sleeping quickly waking up with wide eyes at the sound, Icerain was on her paws instantly, nosing her way out of the den, followed by Barktail, Ravenbreeze, and Mothflight. Foxflame stood quickly, giving his pelt a quick shake before following the other warriors, wincing from the bright shafts of warm sunlight.
The wailing was coming from the nursery, many unsettled warriors casting stressed glances toward it, Applenose was outside of the den, basking in sunlight and keeping a watchful eye on her three troublesome kits. Bumbleflash, who had just finished sending off morning patrols, cast him a tired sideways glance, "Mousepool began kitting not all that long ago."
Foxflame nodded, hoping everything would go well, then sent his friend a mischievous grin, "So how is the first day on the job, oh mighty ThunderClan deputy?"
Bumbleflash laughed, "It's definitely a new feeling, going to take some getting used to, tiring definitely, but it makes me feel proud I suppose."
"You'll do great."
"I hope so, do you think my sister is proud?"
Foxflame gulped, but kept his meow level, "I'm sure of it."
The tabby warrior nodded, opening his jaws to say something else, but was interrupted by Duskstar's yowl, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath the Highledge for a clan meeting!" Bumbleflash snapped his jaws shut, exchanging an excited glance with Foxflame as they realized what must be happening, when Duskstar said the kits would be made apprentices soon, he really meant soon! He thought, excitement burning in his chest as he gathered among his clanmates, Applenose was feverishly fussing over her kits as she drew them close to quickly groom their pelts, despite their obvious complaints.
Bumbleflash picked his way through the crowd to leap up onto the deputy spot of the Highledge, dipping his head respectfully to his leader. Foxflame chose a spot next to Swanfeather and Robinwing, joining in with their excited murmurs, "He's definitely giving one to Bumbleflash, I can only assume you two would get one as well." Robinwing said, her green eyes glinting.
Swanfeather shrugged, "I suppose that would make sense, just thinking about having apprentice brings back old memories, remember how much trouble we always caused?"
Foxflame purred in amusement, "Like the time we put ants in the warriors den?"
"Oh I remember that! We were picking ants out of our nests for days!" Robinwing exclaimed.
"What about the time we thought that it would be a good idea to try fishing?" Swanfeather laughed.
"Yes! When Mintbreeze fell in and came out with that giant fish in her jaws!"
"Yeah, and she tried to push Shadowspirit in, but ended up slipping and falling back into the water!"
"I didn't think I would ever see Mintbreeze that angry!" Foxflame's whiskers twitched in amusement.
"Or that wet!" Swanfeather exclaimed, the three cats sharing laughs before Duskstar stood, silencing the chatting clan with a sweep of his fiery orange gaze.
"Sunkit, Sorrelkit, Lilykit please step forward." Duskstar's deep meow cut through the air as he leaped down to stand in front of the three kits, their small bodies quivering with excitement. "Do you three promise to train hard to learn our ways, and to listen to your mentor's?"
Sorrelkit was first to pipe up, "I do!"
"I do." Sunkit meowed.
"I do." Lilykit echoed quietly, but determinedly.
Duskstar nodded, "Then I, Duskstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these kits, Lilykit, Sorrelkit, Sunkit, from this moment on, until you earn your warrior names, you shall be known as Lilypaw, Sorrelpaw, and Sunpaw."
"Lilypaw, Sunpaw, Sorrelpaw!" The clan chanted, Lionflame and Applenose's chests were puffed out with pride for their kits.
Duskstar let the clan finish cheering before continuing, "Bumbleflash, you shall train Sunpaw, I know you will pass on your wisdom and courage onto this young apprentice." The young deputy's eyes were on fire with excitement and pride as he touched noses with the golden furred apprentice. "Swanfeather, you shall mentor Sorrelpaw, I am sure that you will pass your compassion and forethought on to your apprentice." The white she-cat's eyes lit up as she padded over to touch noses with the spirited young apprentice.
Duskstar's gaze swept over the crowd, "Foxflame, you will mentor Lilypaw, I trust that you will pass your honesty and fearless spirit on to this young she-cat." Pride rose in his chest as he padded over to the small she-cat, touching noses with her before padding over to join the others, a wince rippling through the whole clan as another shriek split the air from the nursery once again.
Duskstar opened his mouth to dismiss the clan, when a yowl cut him off, "Duskstar! There's been a fight, Sootcloud's hurt!"

Warrior Cats Book 2: Cat and Mouse-Dusk of the ClansWhere stories live. Discover now