Chapter 4: Elijah Moon

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The boy pulls back the curtain and sees Billy sitting there his mouth falls wide, as does hers. The stripper is standing there in a pair of jeans and a muscle fit white t shirt, there's a red bandana that's sticking out from his back pocket and what are supposed to be grease stains on his shirt.

Billy on the other hand is sitting there in black ripped skinny jeans, a white AC/DC crop top and a pair of skate shoes. She has a black choker around her neck and decided to not wear any makeup bar some mascara and lashes. She takes in his physique, he was hot last night at her party but today he's just so much better. He's a little sweaty so he's had a few dances already today but it just adds to how attractive he looks, his hair is also a little messy at the front. His demeanour shifted since he saw Billy, his shoulders were broadened and he walked into the room with sheer confidence but soon deflated when their eyes met.

Smirking at her he walks forward and crouches down so their eyes are at the same level. "So I guess you came for that redo after all." She giggles blushing before shaking her head, looking into his eyes she smiled at him softly before pursing her lips. "I actually came here to apologise... Maddie is waiting for me outside so the dance will have to wait though."

That makes the boy laugh to which he moves to sit beside her on the love seat. "That's fine I'm finishing up now anyways you were my last client before I'm back in here this evening." Billy looks at him and arches an eyebrow, she's never been referred to as a client before. "Client?" The boy beside her apologises and explains he meant she was the last girl he would see before he was to return to work later. Billy nods approvingly causing the boy to giggle.

"Look I don't know what was going through the girl's heads last night, they've never met a trans person before - not that it's an excuse by any means they just-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there..."

Billy feels herself deflate, her eyes turn to the dark red carpet in front of her and she fumbles with her hands while her feet stroke the floor beneath her. She feels horrible for last night, sure she did nothing wrong but her friends hired him for her birthday so she feels someway responsible.

"Your friends, or whatever they are to you are in the wrong. They insulted me and made me uncomfortable not you or Maddie is it?" Billy nods and the boy smiles back at her and continues. "I'm glad you came here today, but you shouldn't apologise for them. That's what they're expecting you to do because they're too proud to come and do it themselves, and I can guarantee that spoiled brat was going to come and demand her money back."

Billy shifts a little in her seat so now rather than having to turn her head towards him they're facing each other. The boy smiles at her apologetically and takes her hand in his. "I'm sorry for talking down about them I must be overstepping boundaries-"

"You're not. After you left I more or less said the same thing to them, it was unfair."

"Thank you. It's not often I'm treated with the same level of respect that both you and Maddie have shown me."

Billy smiles softly and without warning pulls the boy in for a hug, he tenses at first but chuckles in her neck causing the laugh to send shivers down her spine. Her hands grip tightly onto his back once she feels his muscles and soon the scent of his cologne fills her nostrils. Once they pull apart they look at each other a little, Billy's blushing slightly and he has his hand on the back of his neck as he looks away awkwardly. He must've noticed that she took a deep breath while they pulled apart so she could take in more of his cologne.

"You know... you never told me your name."

He looks at her before shaking his head a little, turning to her he smiles and makes a gesture towards the curtains. "Tell you what, you and Maddie come with me for lunch and I'll tell you my name over a bite to eat."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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