chapter two

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Y/n and Alex were in the van, going to go ziplining. Y/n could see Alex wasn't really up to it, but she wanted to go so she could show her not so little brother how it's done. Even though the two were twins she had always believed she was the oldest. Even if she and Alex fight about it a lot. Once the van stopped Alex jumped clinging onto y/n's shirt. Y/n pushed him off, "stop being a baby" she glared at him. Alex frowned and let go of her, "sorry, I just don't like heights" he replied. Y/n nodded and pulled him out of the van.


"Come on Alex!" Y/n yelled at her brother, she wanted to go on an adventure into the woods behind her new house. Speaking she didn't wanna go alone she asked Alex to come. She was the more playful child as Alex was all about the books. Both of them were smart at a very young age, but that didn't stop y/n from having fun. Y/n would look back every so often to see if her brother was still following her, "I'm coming!" He yelled. His head never popped up out of his book though. Although y/n didn't mind her brother reading, she was just a little saddened by him always doing it. He never had time to play with her. She liked books too, but not enough to shut out the world. Finally, y/n stopped at a tree. She turned around and looked at her brother. He looked up from his book and shook his head, "no" he looked at his book again. Y/n sighed and groaned, "why?" Alex looked back at her and closed his book.


Y/n and Alex made their ways to the zip line. Y/n pulled her brother into the line, Alex stood there, shaking. Y/n looked at her brother and laughed, "come on bro, stop being so scared" she nudged him and he looked at her. He shook his head, "there's a high chance of me breaking my neck coming down that thing" he replied. Y/n sighed, "you'll be strapped into a harness, you won't die" she replied. Alex looked at his sister like she was crazy, "aren't you worried that it'll break? Have you thought of the possibility that it could snap?" He asked. Y/n pushed up her glasses and shrugged, "I'm sure this has been up for a while, plus, they always send an employee first" she replied. Then she looked up to see a kid zip lining and screaming. Alex's eyes got wide. Y/n pushed him forward, "it'll be fine, Alex! You're not gonna die" Alex nodded and gulped.


Alex and y/n got up to the front of the line. Alex had gone up before y/n. Some kid behind y/n snickered as she watched her brother go up. Y/n turned around to see a kid around her age, he looked really wealthy. Y/n crossed her arms, "may I help you?" She asked him, he looked at her and shrugged, "I find it funny that you're watching him like a babysitter" he replied. Y/n chuckled, "in a way, I kinda am" she replied, looking at him. He nodded and stuck out his hand, "Dariush" he said, y/n put her hand into his and shook it, "y/n" she replied. The two ended up talking for a bit until Alex came down and running into the woods. Y/n turned to him, "Alex?!" Y/n yelled, he didn't look back. Y/n ran after Alex, Dariush tagging along after her. Alex stopped at a cliff. Y/n went to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, you okay?" She asked. Alex nodded and panted. Dariush soon came around the corner. He grabbed ahold of Alex and brought him towards the cliff. Alex was screaming, "Dariush! Stop!" Y/n yelled, she tugged on him but he wouldn't stop. "I'm helping him!" He yelled. Y/n tried again but he pushed her and she fell to the ground. Her glasses falling off in the process. Y/n heard footsteps, "let him go," some guy said. Dariush turned around and let Alex go, "what'd you say?" He asked, walking up to the guy, "I said, let him go" he repeated.

Dariush went to swing but the guy caught his wrist and punched him. Making him fall. Y/n was looking for her glasses as this went down. The random guy out her classes on her. He was quite attractive. Y/n looked up at him and softly smiled, "thanks" she bit her lip. He smiled at her and nodded, "you're welcome" after a few minutes passed we heard a cough, "Sorry to break this up, but who are you?" Alex asked. The man helped y/n up and looked at them, "I'm Gabriel" he replied. Y/n looked at him, "I'm y/n, that's my twin brother, Alex, and the guy you just punched was Dariush, the girl who's not talking is ZhenZhen" y/n Replied, pointing to each person. Alex sighed, "how do we get back to camp?" He asked, y/n shrugged and looked at Dariush, he shrugged also, we all looked at ZhenZhen but she didn't say anything.

"I know the way, follow me," Gabriel said, y/n nodded but Dariush got a little jealous, "Woah, Woah, Woah, wait, I know and I think we go that way! Come on y/n/n!" He said, going the opposite way. Y/n laughed, "y/n/n?" She asked before walking with Gabriel and Alex. Alex shrugged and looked around.


Alex looked at the tree again, he gulped, he knew what his sister wanted, and he wasn't about to call himself a pussy. Y/n looked at her brother and smirked, "wanna climb?" She asked, Alex groaned and set his book to the side, "mom's not gonna be happy, but sure" he replied. Y/n stepped into a tree branch and her brother followed her. The tree branch underneath Alex snapped and he started to dangle. Alex screamed and y/n got down, "hold on! I'll go get dad!" She yelled.


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