Chapter 5: The big battle >:) part 2

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Everyone looked at the monsters and they looked back. Nobody said anything and then Soos came out of the mystery shack.

Soos: Listen up dudes we are taking back what was it called? Wartwood! We defeated you once we can do it again!

Bill: Awww the dumb frogs and humans want to fight back adorable. Well friends ATTACK!!!!! Everyone charged at each other and fought.

(I actually am writing this while in bed and being sick 🤒 and didn't have time to write everything so enjoy the video sorry)

All of the frogs were in other machines besides the shackotron and were fighting some extra monsters.

Bills extra monsters: Get ready for the pain!!! They then grabbed Anne and Sprig.

Anne: Sprig!

Sprig: Anne!

Extra monster: Who should I eat first? Or better turn into a statue?!

Anne: No wait! Turn me into a statue just don't hurt sprig please.

Extra Monster: Good for me! He dropped Sprig  and shot Anne. She turned into a lifeless statue.

Sprig: Anne! No ............ 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ..............

Extra monster: Ha ha!

Sprig: ........... 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡😡😡 AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! He ran back to the machine and shot him with all he had until he was nothing but ashes. Then Marcy came running.

Marcy: Sprig? He jumped from the machine to Marcy.

Sprig: Yes? She looked at the monster and then back at sprig.

Marcy: Did you do that? You know what? Never mind I wanted to tell you that monster you really really destroyed

Sprig: Turned Anne into a statue!

Marcy: No is a master of illusion and it tricked you into thinking Anne turned into a statue

Sprig: How do you know that?

Marcy: I'll tell you in the Shackotron. Come on. So they ran and Anne picked them up with the Gobblewonker and they were inside

Marcy: Because it tricked me into thinking Sasha was gone.

Sprig: Oh.

Meanwhile with the Pines family
They were getting ready to go into bills fortress and everyone was wishing them good luck.

Candy: Don't worry we will distract bill.


Mabel: Thanks guys and thank you grenda because it is working.

Dipper: How is that calming?

Anne: Hey I just want to say good luck 👍 *Winks*

Dipper: Oh ..... no trouble at all 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘  So Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Ford, Wendy, Soos, Old man McGucket and Pacifica went in the tubes and down they went to Bills fortress. Polly jumped on Anne's head.

Polly: You know Dipper has a crush on you right?

Anne: Yes Yes I do

Polly: Do you like him back?

Anne: Not really I mean we just met now come on *Cracks knuckles* Let's do this. So she went to the main part and she saw all of the monsters defeated except bill. The fight was on

I'm sorry this isn't what you were waiting for but trust me the next chapter will be longer 😉 but in the meantime I hope you enjoyed it I hope you like it as much as I have fun writing it :) so until we meet again bye 👋

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