5) I Don't Feel Well (Sam)

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This one is honestly so freaking cute. I can't even!!!

Y/n's p.o.v

*Zzzzzz* *Zzzzz*

There I was sound asleep. Minding my own business. Not hurting one single person. Just lying in bed with the love of my life. Who I think is asleep but can't tell because I am asleep.

I instantly begin to wake up, feeling shifting from Sam's side of the bed. I thought he was just adjusting his pillow or the blanket or even his sleep position. That is until I start hearing small cries and groans.

I thought it was just a dream so I shook it off. Heading myself back to sleep until Sam started to wince louder than he was doing before. I was scared to get up but at the same time, if there is something wrong, I'm gonna check.

I wake myself up and look over at my clock. It read 2:11 am in bright green numbers. I sigh and prop myself up on my elbows. I look over and see Sam holding his stomach while scrunched into a open ball and rocking back and forth.

He was making crying type noises and his head was sweating. Soaking the pillowcase he laid on. I could also tell by his hair. It was somewhat soaked on the edges.

He then calmed down for a minute, giving me a minute to lay back down slowly and fall back asleep.

About ten minutes later, it begins again. I was worried that something was wrong with him. I get up again and turn over to him.

"Sam? What's wrong?", I say while I shake him lightly. He's awake. I just think he's in too much pain to say anything. "Baby, what's wrong?"

He was rocking back and forth again. I get out the bed and walk over to his side. Kneeling down in front of him. "Sam? What's the matter? Are you okay?"

I brush his long hair out his face and rub my fingers through his hair. "Sam, you gotta tell me what's wrong or I can't help you. Talk to me."

"It h-hurts," he says.

"Baby, what hurts?"

"M-my st-stomach. It hurts," he cries. I felt so bad. Maybe he has food poisoning from something we ate or he had to poop. Other than that, I don't why his stomach would hurt so badly, he cries.

"Rate it for me."

"Nine. It hurts badly y/n!"

"Okay. Okay. Uhm, hold on."

I go into our bathroom and open the mirror, grabbing the advil bottle. Popping two out the container and running to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. I instantly go back into the room, rushing back to his side.

"Here. Take these while I grab some stuff," I say and hand him the pills and water. While he takes the pills, I go to our shared dresser and grab shorts for me and a tshirt for him.

I had on a sweatshirt and undergarments. And he had on shorts. I quickly throw on the shorts and go back over to him.

"Do you want me to put the shirt on for you?", I ask. He nods and sits up slowly. Not letting go of his stomach. I put the shirt over his head and his arms. "Okay, put your sandals on."

He slips his feet into his slides while I put on my birks. I grab both our phones and chargers, along with the car keys, my wallet, and a overnight bag. I go to the kitchen and stick random snacks and drinks into the bag.

I set the bag down and go back into the room. Seeing Sam sitting there in pain broke my heart. I never like seeing him in pain. I never want him to be in pain. Ever.

𝐓𝐈𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐊 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now