Ch. 3 - Cats everywhere pt. 2

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"I wish..." I say and take a deep breath and then just sigh. Not everything went as I planned them to go. Yes, I got myself a nice place, I changed my surroundings, but I haven't quite figured out some personal stuff. "I guess I need some more time."

"Come on, you never take this long with things, mostly if they are personal," Sarah says and I just nod, because she's right. I always sort personal stuff over anything else. But this time it's all different. I've kept a secret from everyone for a long time. A secret that no one would expect to happen. To fall in love with someone "out of my league". 

But this time it's true, this person is out of my league. Like literally out of my league.

I'm team Bundesliga and he's team Premier League. That doesn't really blend together, does it?

"We really haven't talked much these last days, he's busy with training,'' I say and take a sip of my coffee and pet a ginger cat with the name "Oscar" on their collar. "We FaceTime mostly in the evenings, but often he ends up falling asleep in the middle of the call," I say and shrug. Not gonna lie, he's pretty adorable when he's asleep.

''Why don't you spend time with him instead of FaceTiming? Like actually in person, I mean, both of you would enjoy that way more.'' Sarah asks and wiggles her right eyebrow.

I take a minute to think and sigh when someone very familiar walks by. It's our friend Daniel, who is sometimes way too friendly with me, some people even think he's my new boyfriend. I mean he is a pretty nice guy, but not really my type.

Sarah waves at Daniel and he just smiles, nods and continues walking. The training is obviously over and the poor thing has to walk home as there was probably no one able to drive him home. Last time someone drove him home was his ex and they called it off a couple weeks ago.

At the same moment, as Daniel passes by, my phone starts to ring and for my luck, I can't see where the sound is actually coming from.

"Where in the hell did I put my phone this time?" I mumble under my nose, but Sarah obviously heard me. Or she is good at reading someone's lips or even thoughts.

"Maybe one of the cats ate it?" She says and laughs, not being serious. At least I hope that my phone didn't end in someone's furry belly.

"Not funny, my dear," I say and get a bit anxious as I know who's probably calling me and it's someone I haven't told Sarah about yet.

After a couple of minutes pass, Sarah waves my phone in front of my face.

"I found your treasure, even though it stopped ringing. Plus, be thankful it was under a pillow and not in cats belly." She says and hands me my phone when I get a message and she decides to take a look at the display of my phone and see who is that message from.

"Ooooh, your "Liebe " texted you, when can he or she see you," Sarah says and this time she gives my phone to me for real," and what about the picture of Andreas, Daniel, and Victor as your lock screen? Care to explain?"

"Well, I was getting into it, before the phone started ringing. So, the "Liebe with heart emoji" is meine Neue Liebe obviously," I look at Sarah and wiggle my left eyebrow," and it's one of those tree handsome men if Daniel counts as a man with his baby face."

"Well I know your preferred type of guys and it's those with tan skin, dark brown eyes or brown eyes in general, sometimes maybe hazel eyes and dark hair. The only one who checks every single point here is Andreas. Hmm, he's okay. I still have someone else in my mind for you and you know that."

"If you mean your brother, we talked about it already," I say and laugh a little. Her brother, the famous John Stones, is a good guy, we spent some time together in the past but didn't get past the friendship phase.

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