A Trap to catch a witch part III

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"that's weird....it doesn't say what they look like... but  they're green and very ugly...I think..."  Said Xavier.

Someone else thought witches could turn invisible and that they had acid blood. Another thought that they squirted blood and acid through their eyes. " I'm sure we'll recognize  one when we see it," Said Xavier. impatiently  shutting the Spelling Book.

"They're supposed to be pretty ugly, aren't they?"

"Awesomely horrible," Said Cauliflower gravely. " the most terrifying creatures that ever walked in this earth..."

" So even if you do catch this Witch, how will you persuade it to part Magic?" asked Luther " I'm imagining that invisible, green-acid-blood-squirting Witches, the most terrifying creatures that ever walked  on this earth, will  not give up their Magic if you ask them pretty please..."

"Aha," Said Xavier craftily." I've thought of that ." With a grant  flourish he put on some gloves, reached into his rucksack, and took out... a small saucepan, and a very dangerous weapon that could easily take away anyone's Magic with just one touch."

Silence again. " You do realize  that's a saucepan, and that's Dad's secret weapon" Said Luther.

"Yeah... This is no ordinary Saucepan," said Xavier cunningly. And then took  a deep breath before he made his shocking announcement. " This particular  saucepan is made out oh Heavy  IRON..."

Most of the wizards took a horrified step backward. the sprites let out shrieks of alarm. Luther  alone refused to be impressed. In fact , he laughed so hard  Xavier  thought he might fall over." This is good...You're going to fight a witch with a Saucepan and dad's weapon!" sneered Luther.

"You're no 'great leader ' Xavier. You're a liar and a loser; our father is ashamed of you-and now i know why you're so keen to steal magic from a witch. There's  a Spelling Competition at the Winter Celebration tonight  and YOU can't do Magic, Xavier can't do MAGIC..." taunted Luther.

Xavier turned ed in embarrassment, then with with anger. The fact that he couldn't do Magic yet was one of those hidden sores that you didn't want anyone else to see. Wizards Children were not born with Magic, well some of them; their Magic came in when they were about twelve or fifteenth. Xavier was Sixteen, and his Magic is not come in. 

Xavier had tried doing Magic. For countless hours he tried, Really simple things, like moving things with his mind. But it was as if it were a muscle he didn't really have. "Relax" everyone said. "Relax," and it will happen." But it was like trying to move something with arms that weren't there. And recently he had began to worry... what if it NEVER happened? it was  an unlikely calamity, but what a disgrace to the whole family it would  be if a child was born to the king Enchanter HAD NO MAGIC. The thought of it made him feel a little sick.

"Poor little baby Xavier..." crooned  Luther cruelly. " Think he's a big boy but can't do any magic whatsoever..."

"My Magic WILL come in," hissed Xavier. "But in the meantime, I swear ," he spat, eyes so small with anger that he could barely see out of them, "I SWEAR l'm going to catch a witch, Luther, that i will BLAST you out of existence FOREVER..."

"Oh yeah?" grinned Luther. he reached into his rucksack and took out one of his staffs. Wizard's staff was about the size of a walking stick and Wizards concentrated Magic through them.

"You're spelling won't work on me when I  am carrying IRON!" roared Xavier, rushing  forward to hit Luther with the Saucepan. Witch it was perfectly true, but most  unfortunately, in  his charge forward, Xavier tripped over a long tangle of bramble and his glove hands lots their grip on saucepan and it went sailing over Luther's  head and into the undergrowth. 

Luther pointed his staff at Xavier and whispered the word of a magic spell  under his breath. Luther's body  trembled as the Magic quivered through him and channeled  out of  his hand and into the staff, witch concentrated it into one quick, fierce, hot bolt of Magic  that blasted out of  the end of the staff, hitting Xavier on the legs.

Xavier stopped, mid charge, his feet stuck on the ground by Luther's spell. " HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" laughed Luther's followers.

"REMOVE THE SPELL!" shouted Xavier , struggling to shift hid feet, but it was  as if they had turned to lead. "No i don't think i will..." smiled Luther. Xavier lost his temper. He snapped his fingers.


Before anyone could blink or think, king (Snow-cat) launched himself at Luther, huge paws  agape, nine hundred forty pounds of silver-Gold killing machine. Screaming in terror, Luther was pinned up against a old tree trunk, looking aghast at the great cat's nightmare face, inches away from  his own, and what felt like four kitchen knives sinking into shoulder. they already drawn blood.

None of  Luther's own sprites or animals had time to protect him. "One more click of my fingers," spat Xavier and King will take off your head."

To be continue...

this chapter was 920 words long , hope you guys liked it vote and comment your thoughts and ideas i would love to add them in the story stay tuned for more chapters coming up next week.

I know i said next week but i felt inspired and wanted to upload chapter 3 the same day as chapter 2, Please enjoy.

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