Chapter 3 the secret door

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Sonics POV
Me and sally were running through the castle 'Sal where are we going '

Sally: you will see soon Sonic.
Me: ok but I really want to know because we been running for a few minutes now and I am getting board.

Sally: don't worry it's just around this corner.
Me:finally I thought we would never get there.
Just as we look around the corner I saw a HUGE old looking door.

Me:Sal what's the big deal about a old door.
Sally: Sonic I've lived in this castle all my life and I never seen anyone open this door.
Me: Ok so?
Sally: SO that means what ever is behind this door is a big secret that not even the royal family knows.

Me: So you think what ever is behind this door is something special and important.
Sally: yep
Me: haha Sal you been reading too many fairy tales it's just a old door that's lock it's no big de...
Before I could finish my sentence I heard I spooky old voice in my head.
???:Open the door set me free and let my power flow through you.
Sally: sonic SONIC
Me: what happens
Sally: you just spaced out what happened?
Me: I don't know but you should stay away from that door it's super creepy.
Sally :ok come on let's go see what your uncle is up too.
So me and sally left the door but for some reason I felt like that wouldn't be the the last time that door would caused trouble.

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