chapter 16 the prophecy

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Elizabeth pov

Ok what do you mean we stop.

Merlin:Zonic, Elizabeth both of you where born with great powers but you can't defeat raven dark but you can seal him away until the one of prophecy is ready.

Zonic: where is one of the prophecy maybe we can help him get him ready quicker.

Merlin:that's the thing he is not born.


Merlin:I said he is not born yet.

Zonic:ok what do you mean he is not born yet.

Merlin:don't ask me ask your wife she has something to tell you.

(Zonic look at me confused )

Zonic:Elizabeth what does he mean?

Zonic I was going to tell you when we defeated Raven dark but I am pregnant.


(I nod to him yes.)


(We hug each other.)

Merlin:Actually I am afraid this is not the time celebrate we need to get ready to seal Raven dark.

Ok but what about our baby.

Zonic:yeah you said he will defeat Raven dark how will he do that.

Merlin:do not worry about him once we seal raven dark I will tell you about your son future ok.


(Merlin told us to seal Raven dark away we would need to use a magic seal spell which we can use to seal him into a magic mirror but he spoke to zonic in the corner about something he didn't seem happy. )

Every thing ok sweety.

Zonic:I am alright don't worry merlin said we have a few months before we can seal dark away so how about we enjoy are ourselves there a cabin in the woods not to far from here what do you think?

Sound great.

(We kiss each other we lived in this very cabin we are in right now.)
( sonic: what happens next?)

(9 months later you were born the best and saddest day of my life.)

Merlin:come on Elizabeth just a little more.

Ahhh it hurts!

(sonic: ok 1 can we skip the part about you giving birth  me please and 2 did a wizard help with my birth.)

(1 shore I guess and 2 yes merlin helped he was excellent when  he was delivering you ok back to the story so I was holding you in  my arms Zonic was look at you with a sad look.)

Do you want to hold him?


(I gave you to your father and he started to cry he gave you to me and said.)

Zonic:it's time Elizabeth to seal him away.

Yes and after that we can raise our son.

Zonic: actually I won't be able to there's something Merlin has to tell you.

What why can't zonic raise our son merlin?

Merlin:you see  Elizabeth for the spell to work we need two thing that I told zonic.

Ok what are those two things?

Merlin:first we need the blood of someone of pure of heart to seal him away which is you.

Ok and what is the second thing.

Merlin:the life of a brave hero and that would be.....


No NO NO you can't Zonic I can't live with out you! (Crying)

Zonic: please Elizabeth we need to do this for our son.

(We hug each other as I was crying into his chest the next day me and your father went to seal raven dark I was setting up the spell while your father was fighting raven dark I could not hear what was going on until zonic told me to cast the spell.)

O evil being with heart of stone with this mirror and the magic of peace and love I send you to a prison of horror and ruin were you will not escape and... ( I started to cry as zonic nod at me) with this live of a hero that's true you shall spend eterniy in your hell of  truth.

(Raven was being suck into the mirror along with zonic soul.)

Raven dark:This is not other I shall return and my minions will hunt you down and destroy yOOOOoOOOOU!

(I fell on my knees and started to cry until the merlin appeared with you and your fathers sword.)

Merlin: we need to send your son some where save where the dark arms can't find him.

I know someone who can raise and protect him


A old friend of mine and zonic charles

(Few hour later I met charles in the wood where I told him everything thing and he said he would raise.)

Take care of my little hero Charles he's all I got left. (I said in a said tone.)

Charles:I will Elizabeth but what's his name.
(I look at you with a smile and said just your first name.)

Sonic our futures hope.

(With that I disappeared into the mist.)

(Present day)

(Sonic pov)

Elisabeth:and that's our story.

(I look at my mother who was now crying.)

Elizabeth:(sob)I am so sorry soni...

(Before she could finish I gave her the biggest hug I have ever given and I started to cry)

I forgive you mother.

(We sat the just enjoy our family hug.)

(And that's it for Elizabeth past and now what's sonic going to do next find out next time.)

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