Part 2

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"Auntie Dila, you look like a princess!" proclaimed Defne, clapping her hands together.

Dila returned a forced smile, wishing she felt as enthusiastic about the day as her beautiful niece. It was a miracle she looked as calm as she did, considering the restless night she had after her encounter with Kuzgun. Thinking about him always brought up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions for her, her heart and soul battling love and anger, hatred and guilt, with no end in sight.

Three years she hadn't seen him and the distance had helped, even if a part of her missed him terribly. Then she'd remember the extent of Kuzgun's rage and revenge, the terrible consequences of her choices which led to the death of her father and brother, and ultimately the decision to take her own life – and the ache to submerge herself in Kuzgun would temporarily subside. It was a never-ending pattern but she'd learned to cope – until last night. Seeing him reawakened all those emotions but now they were even more potent and she felt powerless once again. And she hated him for it.

Seda appeared at the door, wearing a beautiful blue dress that made her look ethereal. "Defne, stop bothering your aunt. She needs to get ready."

"She's not bothering me," Dila said with a smile, stroking Defne's face. "We're just talking. Besides, I'm ready."

"You look beautiful," Seda remarked.

"Thank you," she replied in a flat tone. "Are all the guests here?"

"Yes, but Ferman hasn't arrived yet."

For a second Dila's heart soared but she quickly reminded herself to settle down. As much as she wanted to believe Ferman had changed his mind, she knew that was impossible. He'd invested too much to simply release her from his grip. "Why don't you take Defne downstairs? I'll call Ferman and see where he's at."

Once Dila was alone she reached for her phone, her fingers trembling as she called Ferman. He picked up the phone on the second ring. As usual his voice was deep and self-assured, always reminding her of someone who didn't make any choices lightly. "Dila."

"Ferman, are you close by?"

"No. I'm dealing with something at the moment."

"Is everything okay?"

"It will be."

That was it, no more explanation. She knew better than to ask for one. "Should I send the guests home?"

"Why would you do that, Dila?"

To anyone else it may have come across as an innocent query but Dila heard the threat laced in his voice, and it was enough to scare her. "My apologies. I wasn't thinking."

"Good. I don't need any more surprises coming my way. That wouldn't be good for either of us."

Another threat. She reminded herself to keep her composure. "What do you need me to do?"

"Wait for me." With that he hung up, leaving Dila alone with her thoughts.

She was sinking again, into a pit of hopelessness and fear with no way to get out. The last time she'd felt that way death had seemed like the only salvation. Now, she didn't even have that.

Suddenly it was dark everywhere. The power was out, leaving the room pitch-black. Dila used her phone as a flashlight to guide her way out of the room and into the corridor. Sounds from the panicked crowd downstairs reached her ears, and she worried about Defne and Seda being caught in the turmoil. She tried calling Seda to no avail. The calls went directly to her voicemail. Before she could text Seda her phone went off, notifying her of an incoming message from Seda herself.

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