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Ethan fell to the floor

pulling them with him

they laid on top of him for a second

before getting up

ethan got up

then realised who it was


i realised who i pulled from the dead

i hugged them

i hugged piper

we hugged in silence

i pulled up her shirt to reveal the hole in her stomach


E-"still dead okay"

P-"really? i died and the first thing you say to me is that"

Ethan laughed quietly and hugged her

he loves her

i don't understand

he didn't love me?

but i did cheat on him

but it's different

ethan will love her forever


P-"so how are you"

E-"uhhh not great"

P-"what did you do while i was gone"

E-"made songs,burnt down the house you know random things"

P-"wow i-"


E-"dude why this location"


E-"don't call me that"


E-"you will be Italian food if you carry on"

?-"we need a table,TABLES!"

he clapped

i rolled my eyes

he got tables

then the counties arrived

there's a few of them

then they were all here

MB(mafia boss)-"ok hello guys,um a few reminders this week-"

RM(Romanian mafia)-"this is like school"

E-"shut your mouth"

RM-"you're so aggressive,you d-"

MB-"be quiet! anyone one of you will be replaced today there are 3 people to vote from Romania,spain and France"

FM+RM-"what about Italy! he's a piece of shit"

MB-"he doesn't just kill his enemies he does the right thing AND DOESNT GET CAUGHT!"

i stifled my laughter

MB-"where are you even living,oh my are you living in your house?!"

E-"no i have an apartment"


E-"i'm getting a house built"

MB-"i swear you have so many hobbies and careers it's crazy"

E-"i guess"

MB-"anyway let's get voting hands up for Spain,ok apain is gone the next mafia boss is not even alive what the hell guess we have to go for his daughter how will this turn out,liam diax"

E-"holy shit"

P-"oh hell no"

E-"you don't have a choice now sit right here and call your brother"

she called him

he came in straight away



L-"yeah let's go!"

E-"dit down this is serious business"

MB-"HELLO! okay thank you ethan how many people have you got looking for you"

E-"uhhhhhh i don't even know anymore"


E-"i lost count a lot okay"

MB-"alright well everyone else do you have anyone looking for you?"

they all said no

MB-"then we have to protect ethan the stupid bitch"

E-"this stupid bitch can stab you to death"

MB-"stab me pussy!"


i stood up with a knife

MB-"oh you meant it?!"


MB-"ok sorry wait i'm your boss you wouldn't kill me"

E-"nah i'd rather be hung when i want to be"


E-"if i kill another person i get a death sentence"

kidnapped part 2-EDWhere stories live. Discover now