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for now the day bleeds, into night fall. You're not here to get me through it all...

Corbyn grew pale, Jonah was definitely was not lying. he made eye contact his voice was unsteady. he's full of regret, no doubt. "daniel relapsed." jonah looked up "i know he did..its my fault..its all my fault" "why.." "i was drunk, Daniel and i where fighting again, and i-i didn't know what to do.  logan decided to take me out to get my mind off things.  a-as friends of course.  we got drunk, and i-i dont even remember most of anything.." Corbyn only nodded.  he was upset, he felt betrayal but could you blame Jonah, maybe.  you could say drunk words, sober thoughts like most.  but this was Jonah, he's no liar.  maybe it was the caring that he hasn't felt from Daniel in so long to said fact for arguing to the point Daniel sleeps in his old room and stays away from Jonah. 

"go..talk to him i have to handle my own relationship right now" Corbyn finally replied quietly.  Jonah nodded and left to find Daniel outside crying.  he sat next to him as the rain softly poured.  "dani.." "dont." "please" "5 minutes thats all i'm giving" Jonah sighed "i was stressed..nothing i did was intentional..logan took me out to get the fact we where fighting off my mind, you weren't the only one hurt by that you know. i was hurt too, and i know it doesn't excuse my actions. it doesn't fix the fact i cheated, and i hurt you. i never..wanted to ever hurt you. i love you..and you probably hate me, im so sorry" Jonah put his head in his hands and Daniel looked up to him "its fine..i-i think i need space..for a little bit." Jonah nodded and got up "dont relapse again..try not to at least. we all care for you..and seeing you go down that path isn't something we want to see..not again.." Daniel nodded and Jonah walked off leaving Daniel to ponder into his thoughts of Jonah's words on if they where true.

Jonah can be very hard to read at times but stress and regret stricken on his face. Daniel thought and pondered and then decided to leave to go for a walk. he didn't come back for awhile. he didn't know if he could, not in his state. he didn't want to be seen crying or having a breakdown. he cried he let it out, he sat on a park bench far past midnight. thinking and crying, but he wasn't the only one in this state. Jonah was a mess he was crying on jacks shoulder, he was telling jack how he felt. while Daniel felt he had nobody. Daniel was walking to his moms house..he wasn't going back tonight he already messaged Zach and told him. he couldn't face anyone right now. he didn't want to, he wasn't going too, he needed a break from everybody and everything.

Zach knocked on the door and peeked through "Daniel is staying at his mums house tonight he said he'll be back tomorrow" jack nodded and put a finger to his lips "Jo fell asleep" "he looks horrible.." "he's full of regret..is Daniel doing okay?" "he needs space. i'm sure he's fine" jack nodded getting up "I'm gunna head back before Gabbie asks why i was gone so long" "hows lav?" "shes doing good" jack smiled at the mention of her "i miss your curls dude" "i miss my family dude" "bring lav over tomorrow im sure she'll brighten the mood" jack nodded in agreement "will do" and it was settled. lavender is coming over and Gabbie is going to tag along of course.

i didn't have wifi
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