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Cause you said forever now I Drive alone past your street..-drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo
the next day Daniel and Jack both awoke. jack was the first, he went downstairs to dirty glares from Jonah and Corbyn both. Corbyn joined a dating site and Jonah, Jonah was still trying. Jonah sighed, he just wanted Daniel back. He missed the long car drives they took, disappearing for hours, the dates they would go on. Daniel laughing at his jokes when nobody else did. Daniel came downstairs later and go apple juice, and goldfish. He ate the unhealthy breakfast and wrote the songs for the albums by himself. Writing the songs was a He and Daniels thing. That was their thing.

Jonah went to his room and grabbed his keys and left. He drove down the street alone, seeing Daniels's reflection in his white car, in his front yard. He knew he and Daniel weren't perfect but He said forever now he drives alone past their street. Jonah missed Daniel, the way he'd smile at Jonah with his tooth gap showing proudly. Now he doesn't even glance at Jonah. Jonah wants Daniel to notice him, he wants Daniel to say his name, smile at him. He misses sharing a room with him, he misses daniel being in his bed, he misses their stupid movie nights, Daniel canceling plans with corbyn for him which is something he wouldn't do in a million years. Jonah misses Daniel so much. He would kill to just kiss him one more time. Share one more special moment with him. He wants to know how Daniel feels, he wants to talk to him. Just one more time. Go back in time. Erase his stupid. drunk. mistake.

Daniels side of feelings.

Daniel could honestly care less about what Jonah did anymore, trusting him not to don't again is a different story. Daniel would take Jonah back yes, but he's scared of what Jonah would do, Daniel wants to know he can fully 100% trust Jonah on not cheating again, I mean yes he helped Daniel with his drinking, his eating disorder, everything like that but how does he know that it won't happen again. I mean, he's been through hell. Jonah just had to add the cherry on top. Daniel still feels something but he's trying to move on. Daniel isn't fooling around with Jack, everyone in the band is being weird except Jack and Zach so Daniel is finding a preferred friend group because Jonah and Corbyn can enjoy the weir life, Daniel doesn't want to be involved.

Daniel and Jack were growing quite close he was even helping Daniel with songs, Daniel enjoyed the company and spending time with his niece, he would give the world to her and Jack liked he had someone to talk and brag to Lavender about and take along to dinners to and lunches, Jack overall also enjoyed the company.

Jack's side of the feelings.

Jack felt like he made Jonah upset and went to go and talk to him about it and knocked on the elders' door. Jack went in and Jonah looked up and rolled his eyes. "yes. Jack." "oh, I'm sorry. can we talk ??" Jonah hesitantly nodded . "what Jack ." "listen, man, i know you and Daniel are going through something, yinz broke up, and you probably think I'm taking him from you. yeah, he's great with Lavender and being a great uncle, and is spending a lot of time with me but there's nothing between us, and i just wanted to make that clear i would never do anything without your go first or without your consent with another woman but Daniel is a guy and not in my form of interest of any kind except as a friend like maybe i have a small hint for guys i would date one and you know with one but. Not Daniel, never ."

Jonah cleared his throat "jack i don't care if you like guys and girls." "i know, you just seem off with me and it's weird" Jonah nodded and sighed "Jo talk to him" "i tried" "yeah right after yinz broke up" "he hates me" "jo he doesn't hate you, he just needs to know he can trust you ." "he can trust me" "tell and explain to him that" Jonah nodded "get some sleep" jack nodded and left to go sleep and soon the whole house was knocked out.


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