-The Break In-

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Sara's POV

It's been a few weeks since the whole flood thing, and everything went back to normal, quickly. Fall Break was coming up tomorrow, today was a Friday afternoon, and I was staying on the school's campus. No one else that I know is staying with me, so I'll be all alone in the school and dorms.

I was practicing basketball that day, we had a basketball game after Fall Break that I was getting ready for. Maybe then Benjamin would appreciate my help. No other girls were on my team, and it was a pretty small one, with only a few people in it.

I made a basket, when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. "That was a pretty awesome goal." The black haired team captain appeared into view. "You might get really good at basketball one day..." Benjamin said. "I'm already good at basketball, you idiot!" I playfully yelled at him, smiling. He smiled back, then it faded, and he turned around to leave. "Practice will help." He walked out of the gym.

I was covered in sweat, so I decided to take a shower in the locker room. I felt the cold water fall onto my back, and across my arms. After I was done washing all the soap bubbles out of my hair, I got out of the shower. I slipped my black jeans, leather jacket with a white tank top underneath, and black high heeled boots on.

I raced down the halls of the school to the court yard, where I was meeting Lunar and Lucinda before they left for Fall Break. "Hey guys!" I yelled, dashing towards them as the heavy, glass doors to the school closed behind me. "Hey Sara!" Lunar waved to me.

I finally reached them, and sat down on a bench with them. "So what are you doing for Fall Break?" I asked the girls. "We're going with Lunar's family to their parents' old ranch to hang out." Lucinda replied, looking at Lunar. "Yeah. What are you doing, Sara?" Lunar asked me. "I'm just staying at the school... not anything unusual." I said, looking down. "I don't have a very good feeling about that." Lucinda said. "I don't either. Just be safe, Sara." Lunar said to me, clearly concerned. "Y'all don't have to worry so much! I'll be fine."

Alissa's POV

"GET OVER HERE, LUCY!" "Yes, mother." My green haired daughter, Lucy appeared into the alleyway by 'Rats High School.' "Go get that guy with that cool human-destroyer magic. AND FAST!" I screamed at Lucy. "Yes, mother." She ran off, away from the alleyway to get Samuel.

Samuel was a blonde guy I met on the streets. He had some sort of magic and was like a father to Lucy, always tutoring her after school. I was the principal of Rats High School, and our rival school was Hybrid High School. My annoying sister, Sandra, and her gross daughter, Katie, were always competing against us. We always won the Hybrid Rats games, sports, academic, and art tournaments between students from the schools to test their skills.

And guess what? All of us are rats. But we're very proud of it!

Lucy came back with Samuel, who had a gun in his left hand. "FINALLY!" I yelled, excited about what was about to happen. "Get in the truck. We're going to Hybrid High School."

Katie's POV

My mother and I were sitting in the living room, her on her computer, me on my phone, scrolling through Dragonstagram. I saw pictures of Gold, Kyran, and Funneh playing video games in Funneh's dorm, Sara, Laila, and Maya posing for a picture on the ground, and my cousin, Lucy, sticking her tongue out and being the rude jerk she is.

UniKatie101 Is So Gross!
Get Some Green Hair.

I read on her post. Whatever. I didn't care what the brat thought about me.

"Hey, Mom, I'm gonna go to the school library." "Ok, Katie, just don't be too long, and be back before your next shift at the cafe." My mother said, as I opened the front door. "Ok! Cya later, mom." I slammed the front door behind me, and raced down the street to Hybrid High.

My loose brown hair bounced against my back, my feet raced across the dirt, and my hands scraped against the forest's tree branches. And then I finally reached the school. Out of breath, I walked into the familiar entrance. I walked down the corridor, to the cafeteria.

On the way I saw a familiar red haired girl with green eyes pass me. "Hey, your name is Sara, right?" I asked her. "Yeah, why?" She turned around, staring at me. "Just wondering. Do you wanna get a snack in the cafeteria with me?" "Sure, I guess. But I thought the whole school would be empty." Sara walked along by me, making our way to the cafeteria. "I'm the principal's daughter, so you probably already know why I'm staying!" I laughed. Sara laughed along with me, and sooner or later, we were at the cafeteria.

"This food is actually pretty good for cafeteria food." Sara said, chewing a bite of steak. "It really is the best of the best! Our Senior chef, Gold, cooks the food." I said to Sara, who stayed silent. "Something wrong?" I asked her. "I've heard the name Gold before, actually just a few weeks ago." Sara replied. "It really is a small school if you think about it." I said.

Then, I heard banging on the cafeteria's window. I glanced over to it and saw some weird guy outside of the building. "Come on!" I said, grabbing the freshman's hand and pulling her behind the stage's curtains. I led her behind me, and we sat in silence for what felt like hours.

Then I saw someone. "Why hello, Katie." "Hello, Samuel. Aunt Alissa send you again?" "Yup. And this time your gonna be dead meat when I'm done with ya!" Samuel placed his gun in front of him, aiming at us.

I grabbed my golden necklace, and started to shake uncontrollably. A cat tail and a pair of ears sprouted from my head and back. My finger nails grew longer, turning into claws.

I swished them around, blocking off bullets as Samuel kept shooting. I pushed Sara out of the way before I even started dodging bullets. Soon, Samuel was out of bullets, and he dropped the gun and ran towards me. I saw Sara out of the corner of my eye, a look of panic I've never seen came across her face, except for one particular time.

When she came to Earth.

I ran at Samuel, and jumped on top of the blonde man, scratching his face with my claws. He kicked at me but my grip was stronger. I pinned him down as I attacked. But then one of his arms broke free and punched my nose, which made me grip it with my hands, letting him free, a sleeve of his blue hoodie, torn. "You should really learn how to defend better, Ms. Love." Samuel implied.

I felt the crimson blood trickle down my lips, and onto my chin. I took my sleeve and wiped it off, leaving red marks on my leather jacket. Samuel got closer and lifted me up by the collar. "Now I'm going to do what Alissa failed to do to you. You will be gone off this world in less than a blink of an eye!" Samuel laughed, his eyes glowing a toxic green.

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