-The Only One-

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So, I Had This In My Drafts, And Since This Book Is Discontinued, I Didn't Really Think About Publishing It. But I'm Gonna Do This Anyways. I Never Finished This Chapter, Either.

Sara's POV

I watched as the bloody fight went on, and then Samuel had Katie in his grasp. He whispered something to her, something that I couldn't hear, but I did hear his evil laugh. I didn't know what to do. I can't transform into some kind of animal creature! I can't do karate at all! But despite me being a total stupid idiot, I kicked at Samuel in the gut. "WAH!" He screamed, letting go of Katie, making her tumble to the ground.

Then, everything went into a white blur. My eyes, upper and lower back both hurt more than anything before. Then, I felt my weight grow an enormous amount and spikes digging into my skin.

I looked at my back, huge, spikey, dragon wings and a tail coming out of my body. I tugged at the muscles in my back, my tail swinging back and forth, wings flapping and propelling me upward, into the school's air.

I can't believe what just happened.
I'm a dragon. No... The Dragon.

Both Samuel and Katie stared at me in awe, fear in Samuel eyes as Katie's lips twisted into a smirk. Samuel grabbed a gun from his belt, and aimed at me. He shot multiple times at my wings and torso, but nothing could stop me, not even bullets. "What kind of monster are you?!" He screamed, dropping the gun and starting to back up. "A dragon... I'm The Dragon."

I strained the muscles in my back more, and tilted forward, making me fly through the air, faster then lightning. My fingers latched onto Samuel's collar, and I brought him up into the air with me. "Don't come back here again or you'll really get hurt. I'm letting you go this once, so be grateful for the forgiveness I'm giving you." Samuel hit his head on the ground when I dropped him, blood oozing out of a wound. He scampered away, grabbing his gun on the way out of the building.

"Sara... you were just amazing back there." Katie smiled. "There hasn't been a dragon to exist in many years." I thought about this. I was the only dragon? I guess I actually could call myself The Dragon.

3rd Person POV

Nancy pranced through the forest with her new found friend, Alex. "I'm so glad I ran into you that day, Nancy." "Finally you don't call me Princess! That title gets so annoying if the ones close to you are calling you that." Nancy sat down on the soft grass, her long, strapless, black dress flowing around her. "A man always keeps his promises, and I promised you I wouldn't call you Princess. Though, I'm sure your mother would disagree immediately." Alec sat down beside Nancy, his golden eyes gazed into her glistening green ones. "I don't care what my mother says about titles! She goes on and on about posture and "Princesses should act like ladies," but I think you can be who you want. I'm not ever listening to stupid lectures about the right way women should live." Nancy confidently implied. Nothing could change the red haired 17 year old's mind.

The Dragon (YouTuber Story) (Discontinued) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon